Knowsley Harriers AC has a strong road running member base and to reflect this we operate an annual road running championship. In each race, every member will be given a score based upon their finishing position against other members of Knowsley Harriers AC.

As members will likely be pursuing their own individual goals  and we don’t want to risk over racing, the number of qualifying races will remain at 8.

  • We are using a scoring system to make ‘all races equal’. The first member home will score 40 points, the second member receives 39 points, and so on. From 1st January 2024 this will now be done separately for male & female runners.
  • All members finishing will score at least 1 point.
  • It is your best 8 out of the club championship races that count during the year. Due to risks of injury etc. we would not expect our members to participate in every race.
  • Chip times will be used where available.
  • Postponed races will move to the rescheduled date where possible. Cancelled races will be replaced.
  • When you enter a race, please use “Knowsley Harriers AC” as club name, this makes it easier to collate results after each race.
  • Second claim members are not included in the club championship.
  • The overall winners in the male and female categories plus Vet categories will be announced and awarded at the Christmas ceremony.
  • Age categories are determined by age as of 1 January that year.
  • Members must have completed a minimum of 8 races to qualify for a category prize.

The road running championship races are listed on the club’s Spond App.  This will be updated as soon as races are confirmed and go on sale

  • ace