Club Standards
Race standards are designed to encourage members to enter more races and try to achieve pre-set standards which will be awarded by the club. These standards are gender- and age-specific and are based on the World Standard Times published by the WAVA (World Association of Veteran Athletes), and consist of WORLD, PLATINUM, GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE, COPPER levels.
They are set at the world record level, plus a specific percentage:
- Platinum – world + 20%
- Gold – world + 35%
- Silver – world + 50%
- Bronze – world + 65%
- Copper – world + 85%
The following standard distances are supported: 5K, 5M, 10K, 10M, Half Marathon, Marathon, but you do not need to run all distances, only results from 3 separate distances within one calendar year are required, for example a SILVER at 5K, 10K and marathon gains you a SILVER AWARD, while SILVER at 10K and 2 marathons does not.
- Only UKA-affiliated members are eligible.
- The race must have been accurately measured and certified, the result are taken from the official results.
- The time achieved must be better than the standard i.e. standard = 46 minutes, time achieved 45 minutes 59 seconds or better.
- Awards will only be given for standards achieved at the lower level at three different distances in one year. For instance if you achieve SILVER for 5K, 10K and marathon you will get a SILVER standard. If you achieve SILVER for 5K and 10k and BRONZE for a marathon you will achieve a BRONZE standard.
Everyone will age one year during the year, so the age category as of 1 January of the year will count. - Claims for standards on a race will be accepted on an annual basis commencing 1 January through to 31 Dec. Claims should be sent to Anja at including the event name, distance, time, date and claimed standard for all 3 races.The Committee will collate all claims and check them for accuracy.
Standards will be awarded at the annual Christmas party.
Female standards
19-32 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:14:24 | 0:17:17 | 0:19:26 | 0:21:36 | 0:23:46 | 0:26:38 |
5 Miles | 0:23:39 | 0:28:23 | 0:31:56 | 0:35:29 | 0:39:01 | 0:43:45 |
10k | 0:29:55 | 0:35:54 | 0:40:23 | 0:44:53 | 0:49:22 | 0:55:21 |
10 Miles | 0:49:23 | 0:59:16 | 1:06:40 | 1:14:05 | 1:21:29 | 1:31:22 |
Half Mar. | 1:05:48 | 1:18:58 | 1:28:50 | 1:38:42 | 1:48:34 | 2:01:44 |
Marathon | 2:18:51 | 2:46:37 | 3:07:27 | 3:28:17 | 3:49:06 | 4:16:52 |
33 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:14:24 | 0:17:17 | 0:19:26 | 0:21:36 | 0:23:46 | 0:26:38 |
5 Miles | 0:23:39 | 0:28:23 | 0:31:56 | 0:35:29 | 0:39:01 | 0:43:45 |
10k | 0:29:55 | 0:35:54 | 0:40:23 | 0:44:53 | 0:49:22 | 0:55:21 |
10 Miles | 0:49:23 | 0:59:16 | 1:06:40 | 1:14:05 | 1:21:29 | 1:31:22 |
Half Mar. | 1:05:48 | 1:18:58 | 1:28:50 | 1:38:42 | 1:48:34 | 2:01:44 |
Marathon | 2:18:51 | 2:46:37 | 3:07:27 | 3:28:17 | 3:49:06 | 4:16:52 |
34 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:14:25 | 0:17:18 | 0:19:28 | 0:21:37 | 0:23:47 | 0:26:40 |
5 Miles | 0:23:39 | 0:28:23 | 0:31:56 | 0:35:29 | 0:39:01 | 0:43:45 |
10k | 0:29:55 | 0:35:54 | 0:40:23 | 0:44:53 | 0:49:22 | 0:55:21 |
10 Miles | 0:49:23 | 0:59:16 | 1:06:40 | 1:14:05 | 1:21:29 | 1:31:22 |
Half Mar. | 1:05:48 | 1:18:58 | 1:28:50 | 1:38:42 | 1:48:34 | 2:01:44 |
Marathon | 2:18:51 | 2:46:37 | 3:07:27 | 3:28:17 | 3:49:06 | 4:16:52 |
35 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:14:31 | 0:17:25 | 0:19:36 | 0:21:46 | 0:23:57 | 0:26:51 |
5 Miles | 0:23:46 | 0:28:31 | 0:32:05 | 0:35:39 | 0:39:13 | 0:43:58 |
10k | 0:30:00 | 0:36:00 | 0:40:30 | 0:45:00 | 0:49:30 | 0:55:30 |
10 Miles | 0:49:23 | 0:59:16 | 1:06:40 | 1:14:05 | 1:21:29 | 1:31:22 |
Half Mar. | 1:05:48 | 1:18:58 | 1:28:50 | 1:38:42 | 1:48:34 | 2:01:44 |
Marathon | 2:18:51 | 2:46:37 | 3:07:27 | 3:28:17 | 3:49:06 | 4:16:52 |
36 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:14:38 | 0:17:34 | 0:19:45 | 0:21:57 | 0:24:09 | 0:27:04 |
5 Miles | 0:23:57 | 0:28:44 | 0:32:20 | 0:35:56 | 0:39:31 | 0:44:18 |
10k | 0:30:14 | 0:36:17 | 0:40:49 | 0:45:21 | 0:49:53 | 0:55:56 |
10 Miles | 0:49:41 | 0:59:37 | 1:07:04 | 1:14:32 | 1:21:59 | 1:31:55 |
Half Mar. | 1:06:00 | 1:19:12 | 1:29:06 | 1:39:00 | 1:48:54 | 2:02:06 |
Marathon | 2:18:51 | 2:46:37 | 3:07:27 | 3:28:17 | 3:49:06 | 4:16:52 |
37 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:14:45 | 0:17:42 | 0:19:55 | 0:22:08 | 0:24:20 | 0:27:17 |
5 Miles | 0:24:08 | 0:28:58 | 0:32:35 | 0:36:12 | 0:39:49 | 0:44:39 |
10k | 0:30:28 | 0:36:34 | 0:41:08 | 0:45:42 | 0:50:16 | 0:56:22 |
10 Miles | 0:50:04 | 1:00:05 | 1:07:35 | 1:15:06 | 1:22:37 | 1:32:37 |
Half Mar. | 1:06:32 | 1:19:50 | 1:29:49 | 1:39:48 | 1:49:47 | 2:03:05 |
Marathon | 2:19:09 | 2:46:59 | 3:07:51 | 3:28:44 | 3:49:36 | 4:17:26 |
38 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:14:52 | 0:17:50 | 0:20:04 | 0:22:18 | 0:24:32 | 0:27:30 |
5 Miles | 0:24:19 | 0:29:11 | 0:32:50 | 0:36:29 | 0:40:07 | 0:44:59 |
10k | 0:30:43 | 0:36:52 | 0:41:28 | 0:46:05 | 0:50:41 | 0:56:50 |
10 Miles | 0:50:28 | 1:00:34 | 1:08:08 | 1:15:42 | 1:23:16 | 1:33:22 |
Half Mar. | 1:07:03 | 1:20:28 | 1:30:31 | 1:40:34 | 1:50:38 | 2:04:03 |
Marathon | 2:20:14 | 2:48:17 | 3:09:19 | 3:30:21 | 3:51:23 | 4:19:26 |
39 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:15:00 | 0:18:00 | 0:20:15 | 0:22:30 | 0:24:45 | 0:27:45 |
5 Miles | 0:24:32 | 0:29:26 | 0:33:07 | 0:36:48 | 0:40:29 | 0:45:23 |
10k | 0:30:58 | 0:37:10 | 0:41:48 | 0:46:27 | 0:51:06 | 0:57:17 |
10 Miles | 0:50:52 | 1:01:02 | 1:08:40 | 1:16:18 | 1:23:56 | 1:34:06 |
Half Mar. | 1:07:35 | 1:21:06 | 1:31:14 | 1:41:22 | 1:51:31 | 2:05:02 |
Marathon | 2:21:21 | 2:49:37 | 3:10:49 | 3:32:02 | 3:53:14 | 4:21:30 |
40 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:15:07 | 0:18:08 | 0:20:24 | 0:22:41 | 0:24:57 | 0:27:58 |
5 Miles | 0:24:44 | 0:29:41 | 0:33:23 | 0:37:06 | 0:40:49 | 0:45:45 |
10k | 0:31:13 | 0:37:28 | 0:42:09 | 0:46:50 | 0:51:30 | 0:57:45 |
10 Miles | 0:51:17 | 1:01:32 | 1:09:14 | 1:16:55 | 1:24:37 | 1:34:52 |
Half Mar. | 1:08:08 | 1:21:46 | 1:31:59 | 1:42:12 | 1:52:25 | 2:06:03 |
Marathon | 2:22:29 | 2:50:59 | 3:12:21 | 3:33:44 | 3:55:06 | 4:23:36 |
41 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:15:14 | 0:18:17 | 0:20:34 | 0:22:51 | 0:25:08 | 0:28:11 |
5 Miles | 0:24:56 | 0:29:55 | 0:33:40 | 0:37:24 | 0:41:08 | 0:46:08 |
10k | 0:31:28 | 0:37:46 | 0:42:29 | 0:47:12 | 0:51:55 | 0:58:13 |
10 Miles | 0:51:42 | 1:02:02 | 1:09:48 | 1:17:33 | 1:25:18 | 1:35:39 |
Half Mar. | 1:08:42 | 1:22:26 | 1:32:45 | 1:43:03 | 1:53:21 | 2:07:06 |
Marathon | 2:23:39 | 2:52:23 | 3:13:56 | 3:35:29 | 3:57:01 | 4:25:45 |
42 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:15:22 | 0:18:26 | 0:20:45 | 0:23:03 | 0:25:21 | 0:28:26 |
5 Miles | 0:25:08 | 0:30:10 | 0:33:56 | 0:37:42 | 0:41:28 | 0:46:30 |
10k | 0:31:44 | 0:38:05 | 0:42:50 | 0:47:36 | 0:52:22 | 0:58:42 |
10 Miles | 0:52:08 | 1:02:34 | 1:10:23 | 1:18:12 | 1:26:01 | 1:36:27 |
Half Mar. | 1:09:16 | 1:23:07 | 1:33:31 | 1:43:54 | 1:54:17 | 2:08:09 |
Marathon | 2:24:50 | 2:53:48 | 3:15:32 | 3:37:15 | 3:58:59 | 4:27:56 |
43 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:15:30 | 0:18:36 | 0:20:56 | 0:23:15 | 0:25:35 | 0:28:41 |
5 Miles | 0:25:21 | 0:30:25 | 0:34:13 | 0:38:02 | 0:41:50 | 0:46:54 |
10k | 0:32:00 | 0:38:24 | 0:43:12 | 0:48:00 | 0:52:48 | 0:59:12 |
10 Miles | 0:52:34 | 1:03:05 | 1:10:58 | 1:18:51 | 1:26:44 | 1:37:15 |
Half Mar. | 1:09:51 | 1:23:49 | 1:34:18 | 1:44:46 | 1:55:15 | 2:09:13 |
Marathon | 2:26:02 | 2:55:14 | 3:17:09 | 3:39:03 | 4:00:57 | 4:30:10 |
44 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:15:38 | 0:18:46 | 0:21:06 | 0:23:27 | 0:25:48 | 0:28:55 |
5 Miles | 0:25:34 | 0:30:41 | 0:34:31 | 0:38:21 | 0:42:11 | 0:47:18 |
10k | 0:32:16 | 0:38:43 | 0:43:34 | 0:48:24 | 0:53:14 | 0:59:42 |
10 Miles | 0:53:01 | 1:03:37 | 1:11:34 | 1:19:32 | 1:27:29 | 1:38:05 |
Half Mar. | 1:10:26 | 1:24:31 | 1:35:05 | 1:45:39 | 1:56:13 | 2:10:18 |
Marathon | 2:27:15 | 2:56:42 | 3:18:47 | 3:40:52 | 4:02:58 | 4:32:25 |
45 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:15:46 | 0:18:55 | 0:21:17 | 0:23:39 | 0:26:01 | 0:29:10 |
5 Miles | 0:25:47 | 0:30:56 | 0:34:48 | 0:38:40 | 0:42:33 | 0:47:42 |
10k | 0:32:33 | 0:39:04 | 0:43:57 | 0:48:50 | 0:53:42 | 1:00:13 |
10 Miles | 0:53:28 | 1:04:10 | 1:12:11 | 1:20:12 | 1:28:13 | 1:38:55 |
Half Mar. | 1:11:02 | 1:25:14 | 1:35:54 | 1:46:33 | 1:57:12 | 2:11:25 |
Marathon | 2:28:29 | 2:58:11 | 3:20:27 | 3:42:44 | 4:05:00 | 4:34:42 |
46 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:15:54 | 0:19:05 | 0:21:28 | 0:23:51 | 0:26:14 | 0:29:25 |
5 Miles | 0:26:01 | 0:31:13 | 0:35:07 | 0:39:02 | 0:42:56 | 0:48:08 |
10k | 0:32:50 | 0:39:24 | 0:44:20 | 0:49:15 | 0:54:11 | 1:00:45 |
10 Miles | 0:53:56 | 1:04:43 | 1:12:49 | 1:20:54 | 1:28:59 | 1:39:47 |
Half Mar. | 1:11:39 | 1:25:59 | 1:36:44 | 1:47:29 | 1:58:13 | 2:12:33 |
Marathon | 2:29:46 | 2:59:43 | 3:22:11 | 3:44:39 | 4:07:07 | 4:37:04 |
47 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:16:02 | 0:19:14 | 0:21:39 | 0:24:03 | 0:26:27 | 0:29:40 |
5 Miles | 0:26:15 | 0:31:30 | 0:35:26 | 0:39:22 | 0:43:19 | 0:48:34 |
10k | 0:33:07 | 0:39:44 | 0:44:42 | 0:49:41 | 0:54:39 | 1:01:16 |
10 Miles | 0:54:24 | 1:05:17 | 1:13:26 | 1:21:36 | 1:29:46 | 1:40:38 |
Half Mar. | 1:12:17 | 1:26:44 | 1:37:35 | 1:48:26 | 1:59:16 | 2:13:43 |
Marathon | 2:31:05 | 3:01:18 | 3:23:58 | 3:46:38 | 4:09:17 | 4:39:30 |
48 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:16:11 | 0:19:25 | 0:21:51 | 0:24:17 | 0:26:42 | 0:29:56 |
5 Miles | 0:26:29 | 0:31:47 | 0:35:45 | 0:39:44 | 0:43:42 | 0:49:00 |
10k | 0:33:25 | 0:40:06 | 0:45:07 | 0:50:07 | 0:55:08 | 1:01:49 |
10 Miles | 0:54:53 | 1:05:52 | 1:14:06 | 1:22:20 | 1:30:33 | 1:41:32 |
Half Mar. | 1:12:56 | 1:27:31 | 1:38:28 | 1:49:24 | 2:00:20 | 2:14:56 |
Marathon | 2:32:24 | 3:02:53 | 3:25:44 | 3:48:36 | 4:11:28 | 4:41:56 |
49 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:16:20 | 0:19:36 | 0:22:03 | 0:24:30 | 0:26:57 | 0:30:13 |
5 Miles | 0:26:43 | 0:32:04 | 0:36:04 | 0:40:05 | 0:44:05 | 0:49:26 |
10k | 0:33:43 | 0:40:28 | 0:45:31 | 0:50:35 | 0:55:38 | 1:02:23 |
10 Miles | 0:55:23 | 1:06:28 | 1:14:46 | 1:23:04 | 1:31:23 | 1:42:28 |
Half Mar. | 1:13:35 | 1:28:18 | 1:39:20 | 1:50:22 | 2:01:25 | 2:16:08 |
Marathon | 2:33:46 | 3:04:31 | 3:27:35 | 3:50:39 | 4:13:43 | 4:44:28 |
50 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:16:29 | 0:19:47 | 0:22:15 | 0:24:44 | 0:27:12 | 0:30:30 |
5 Miles | 0:26:58 | 0:32:22 | 0:36:24 | 0:40:27 | 0:44:30 | 0:49:53 |
10k | 0:34:02 | 0:40:50 | 0:45:57 | 0:51:03 | 0:56:09 | 1:02:58 |
10 Miles | 0:55:53 | 1:07:04 | 1:15:27 | 1:23:50 | 1:32:12 | 1:43:23 |
Half Mar. | 1:14:15 | 1:29:06 | 1:40:14 | 1:51:22 | 2:02:31 | 2:17:22 |
Marathon | 2:35:08 | 3:06:10 | 3:29:26 | 3:52:42 | 4:15:58 | 4:47:00 |
51 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:16:38 | 0:19:58 | 0:22:27 | 0:24:57 | 0:27:27 | 0:30:46 |
5 Miles | 0:27:13 | 0:32:40 | 0:36:45 | 0:40:49 | 0:44:54 | 0:50:21 |
10k | 0:34:21 | 0:41:13 | 0:46:22 | 0:51:32 | 0:56:41 | 1:03:33 |
10 Miles | 0:56:24 | 1:07:41 | 1:16:08 | 1:24:36 | 1:33:04 | 1:44:20 |
Half Mar. | 1:14:57 | 1:29:56 | 1:41:11 | 1:52:26 | 2:03:40 | 2:18:39 |
Marathon | 2:36:35 | 3:07:54 | 3:31:23 | 3:54:53 | 4:18:22 | 4:49:41 |
52 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:16:48 | 0:20:10 | 0:22:41 | 0:25:12 | 0:27:43 | 0:31:05 |
5 Miles | 0:27:29 | 0:32:59 | 0:37:06 | 0:41:14 | 0:45:21 | 0:50:51 |
10k | 0:34:41 | 0:41:37 | 0:46:49 | 0:52:02 | 0:57:14 | 1:04:10 |
10 Miles | 0:56:57 | 1:08:20 | 1:16:53 | 1:25:26 | 1:33:58 | 1:45:21 |
Half Mar. | 1:15:39 | 1:30:47 | 1:42:08 | 1:53:28 | 2:04:49 | 2:19:57 |
Marathon | 2:38:03 | 3:09:40 | 3:33:22 | 3:57:05 | 4:20:47 | 4:52:24 |
53 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:16:58 | 0:20:22 | 0:22:54 | 0:25:27 | 0:28:00 | 0:31:23 |
5 Miles | 0:27:44 | 0:33:17 | 0:37:26 | 0:41:36 | 0:45:46 | 0:51:18 |
10k | 0:35:01 | 0:42:01 | 0:47:16 | 0:52:32 | 0:57:47 | 1:04:47 |
10 Miles | 0:57:29 | 1:08:59 | 1:17:36 | 1:26:13 | 1:34:51 | 1:46:21 |
Half Mar. | 1:16:23 | 1:31:40 | 1:43:07 | 1:54:35 | 2:06:02 | 2:21:19 |
Marathon | 2:39:33 | 3:11:28 | 3:35:24 | 3:59:19 | 4:23:15 | 4:55:10 |
54 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:17:08 | 0:20:34 | 0:23:08 | 0:25:42 | 0:28:16 | 0:31:42 |
5 Miles | 0:28:01 | 0:33:37 | 0:37:49 | 0:42:02 | 0:46:14 | 0:51:50 |
10k | 0:35:21 | 0:42:25 | 0:47:43 | 0:53:02 | 0:58:20 | 1:05:24 |
10 Miles | 0:58:03 | 1:09:40 | 1:18:22 | 1:27:05 | 1:35:47 | 1:47:24 |
Half Mar. | 1:17:07 | 1:32:32 | 1:44:06 | 1:55:40 | 2:07:15 | 2:22:40 |
Marathon | 2:41:04 | 3:13:17 | 3:37:26 | 4:01:36 | 4:25:46 | 4:57:58 |
55 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5 Miles | 0:28:17 | 0:33:56 | 0:38:11 | 0:42:26 | 0:46:40 | 0:52:19 |
10k | 0:35:42 | 0:42:50 | 0:48:12 | 0:53:33 | 0:58:54 | 1:06:03 |
10 Miles | 0:58:36 | 1:10:19 | 1:19:07 | 1:27:54 | 1:36:41 | 1:48:25 |
Half Mar. | 1:17:52 | 1:33:26 | 1:45:07 | 1:56:48 | 2:08:29 | 2:24:03 |
Marathon | 2:42:38 | 3:15:10 | 3:39:33 | 4:03:57 | 4:28:21 | 5:00:52 |
56 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:17:28 | 0:20:58 | 0:23:35 | 0:26:12 | 0:28:49 | 0:32:19 |
5 Miles | 0:28:35 | 0:34:18 | 0:38:35 | 0:42:52 | 0:47:10 | 0:52:53 |
10k | 0:36:04 | 0:43:17 | 0:48:41 | 0:54:06 | 0:59:31 | 1:06:43 |
10 Miles | 0:59:13 | 1:11:04 | 1:19:57 | 1:28:50 | 1:37:42 | 1:49:33 |
Half Mar. | 1:18:40 | 1:34:24 | 1:46:12 | 1:58:00 | 2:09:48 | 2:25:32 |
Marathon | 2:44:16 | 3:17:07 | 3:41:46 | 4:06:24 | 4:31:02 | 5:03:54 |
57 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:17:39 | 0:21:11 | 0:23:50 | 0:26:28 | 0:29:07 | 0:32:39 |
5 Miles | 0:28:53 | 0:34:40 | 0:39:00 | 0:43:20 | 0:47:39 | 0:53:26 |
10k | 0:36:26 | 0:43:43 | 0:49:11 | 0:54:39 | 1:00:07 | 1:07:24 |
10 Miles | 0:59:49 | 1:11:47 | 1:20:45 | 1:29:44 | 1:38:42 | 1:50:40 |
Half Mar. | 1:19:29 | 1:35:23 | 1:47:18 | 1:59:14 | 2:11:09 | 2:27:03 |
Marathon | 2:45:57 | 3:19:08 | 3:44:02 | 4:08:56 | 4:33:49 | 5:07:00 |
58 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:17:51 | 0:21:25 | 0:24:06 | 0:26:47 | 0:29:27 | 0:33:01 |
5 Miles | 0:29:11 | 0:35:01 | 0:39:24 | 0:43:46 | 0:48:09 | 0:53:59 |
10k | 0:36:49 | 0:44:11 | 0:49:42 | 0:55:14 | 1:00:45 | 1:08:07 |
10 Miles | 1:00:27 | 1:12:32 | 1:21:36 | 1:30:41 | 1:39:45 | 1:51:50 |
Half Mar. | 1:20:19 | 1:36:23 | 1:48:26 | 2:00:28 | 2:12:31 | 2:28:35 |
Marathon | 2:47:40 | 3:21:12 | 3:46:21 | 4:11:30 | 4:36:39 | 5:10:11 |
59 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:18:02 | 0:21:38 | 0:24:21 | 0:27:03 | 0:29:45 | 0:33:22 |
5 Miles | 0:29:30 | 0:35:24 | 0:39:49 | 0:44:15 | 0:48:41 | 0:54:35 |
10k | 0:37:13 | 0:44:40 | 0:50:15 | 0:55:50 | 1:01:24 | 1:08:51 |
10 Miles | 1:01:05 | 1:13:18 | 1:22:28 | 1:31:37 | 1:40:47 | 1:53:00 |
Half Mar. | 1:21:10 | 1:37:24 | 1:49:34 | 2:01:45 | 2:13:55 | 2:30:10 |
Marathon | 2:49:25 | 3:23:18 | 3:48:43 | 4:14:08 | 4:39:32 | 5:13:25 |
60 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:18:14 | 0:21:53 | 0:24:37 | 0:27:21 | 0:30:05 | 0:33:44 |
5 Miles | 0:29:49 | 0:35:47 | 0:40:15 | 0:44:44 | 0:49:12 | 0:55:10 |
10k | 0:37:37 | 0:45:08 | 0:50:47 | 0:56:26 | 1:02:04 | 1:09:35 |
10 Miles | 1:01:44 | 1:14:05 | 1:23:20 | 1:32:36 | 1:41:52 | 1:54:12 |
Half Mar. | 1:22:01 | 1:38:25 | 1:50:43 | 2:03:01 | 2:15:20 | 2:31:44 |
Marathon | 2:51:13 | 3:25:28 | 3:51:09 | 4:16:50 | 4:42:30 | 5:16:45 |
61 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:18:26 | 0:22:07 | 0:24:53 | 0:27:39 | 0:30:25 | 0:34:06 |
5 Miles | 0:30:09 | 0:36:11 | 0:40:42 | 0:45:13 | 0:49:45 | 0:55:47 |
10k | 0:38:03 | 0:45:40 | 0:51:22 | 0:57:05 | 1:02:47 | 1:10:24 |
10 Miles | 1:02:26 | 1:14:55 | 1:24:17 | 1:33:39 | 1:43:01 | 1:55:30 |
Half Mar. | 1:22:57 | 1:39:32 | 1:51:59 | 2:04:26 | 2:16:52 | 2:33:27 |
Marathon | 2:53:08 | 3:27:46 | 3:53:44 | 4:19:42 | 4:45:40 | 5:20:18 |
62 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:18:39 | 0:22:23 | 0:25:11 | 0:27:58 | 0:30:46 | 0:34:30 |
5 Miles | 0:30:30 | 0:36:36 | 0:41:10 | 0:45:45 | 0:50:19 | 0:56:25 |
10k | 0:38:29 | 0:46:11 | 0:51:57 | 0:57:44 | 1:03:30 | 1:11:12 |
10 Miles | 1:03:09 | 1:15:47 | 1:25:15 | 1:34:43 | 1:44:12 | 1:56:50 |
Half Mar. | 1:23:54 | 1:40:41 | 1:53:16 | 2:05:51 | 2:18:26 | 2:35:13 |
Marathon | 2:55:06 | 3:30:07 | 3:56:23 | 4:22:39 | 4:48:55 | 5:23:56 |
63 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:18:52 | 0:22:38 | 0:25:28 | 0:28:18 | 0:31:08 | 0:34:54 |
5 Miles | 0:30:51 | 0:37:01 | 0:41:39 | 0:46:16 | 0:50:54 | 0:57:04 |
10k | 0:38:56 | 0:46:43 | 0:52:34 | 0:58:24 | 1:04:14 | 1:12:02 |
10 Miles | 1:03:53 | 1:16:40 | 1:26:15 | 1:35:49 | 1:45:24 | 1:58:11 |
Half Mar. | 1:24:53 | 1:41:52 | 1:54:36 | 2:07:20 | 2:20:03 | 2:37:02 |
Marathon | 2:57:06 | 3:32:31 | 3:59:05 | 4:25:39 | 4:52:13 | 5:27:38 |
64 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:19:06 | 0:22:55 | 0:25:47 | 0:28:39 | 0:31:31 | 0:35:20 |
5 Miles | 0:31:13 | 0:37:28 | 0:42:09 | 0:46:50 | 0:51:30 | 0:57:45 |
10k | 0:39:24 | 0:47:17 | 0:53:11 | 0:59:06 | 1:05:01 | 1:12:53 |
10 Miles | 1:04:38 | 1:17:34 | 1:27:15 | 1:36:57 | 1:46:39 | 1:59:34 |
Half Mar. | 1:25:53 | 1:43:04 | 1:55:57 | 2:08:49 | 2:21:42 | 2:38:53 |
Marathon | 2:59:10 | 3:35:00 | 4:01:53 | 4:28:45 | 4:55:38 | 5:31:28 |
65 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:19:19 | 0:23:11 | 0:26:05 | 0:28:58 | 0:31:52 | 0:35:44 |
5 Miles | 0:31:36 | 0:37:55 | 0:42:40 | 0:47:24 | 0:52:08 | 0:58:28 |
10k | 0:39:52 | 0:47:50 | 0:53:49 | 0:59:48 | 1:05:47 | 1:13:45 |
10 Miles | 1:05:25 | 1:18:30 | 1:28:19 | 1:38:07 | 1:47:56 | 2:01:01 |
Half Mar. | 1:26:54 | 1:44:17 | 1:57:19 | 2:10:21 | 2:23:23 | 2:40:46 |
Marathon | 3:01:16 | 3:37:31 | 4:04:43 | 4:31:54 | 4:59:05 | 5:35:21 |
66 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:19:34 | 0:23:29 | 0:26:25 | 0:29:21 | 0:32:17 | 0:36:12 |
5 Miles | 0:32:00 | 0:38:24 | 0:43:12 | 0:48:00 | 0:52:48 | 0:59:12 |
10k | 0:40:23 | 0:48:28 | 0:54:31 | 1:00:34 | 1:06:38 | 1:14:43 |
10 Miles | 1:06:15 | 1:19:30 | 1:29:26 | 1:39:22 | 1:49:19 | 2:02:34 |
Half Mar. | 1:28:01 | 1:45:37 | 1:58:49 | 2:12:01 | 2:25:14 | 2:42:50 |
Marathon | 3:03:34 | 3:40:17 | 4:07:49 | 4:35:21 | 5:02:53 | 5:39:36 |
67 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5 Miles | 0:32:26 | 0:38:55 | 0:43:47 | 0:48:39 | 0:53:31 | 1:00:00 |
10k | 0:40:54 | 0:49:05 | 0:55:13 | 1:01:21 | 1:07:29 | 1:15:40 |
10 Miles | 1:07:06 | 1:20:31 | 1:30:35 | 1:40:39 | 1:50:43 | 2:04:08 |
Half Mar. | 1:29:09 | 1:46:59 | 2:00:21 | 2:13:43 | 2:27:06 | 2:44:56 |
Marathon | 3:05:55 | 3:43:06 | 4:10:59 | 4:38:53 | 5:06:46 | 5:43:57 |
68 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:20:06 | 0:24:07 | 0:27:08 | 0:30:09 | 0:33:10 | 0:37:11 |
5 Miles | 0:32:51 | 0:39:25 | 0:44:21 | 0:49:17 | 0:54:12 | 1:00:46 |
10k | 0:41:27 | 0:49:44 | 0:55:57 | 1:02:11 | 1:08:24 | 1:16:41 |
10 Miles | 1:07:59 | 1:21:35 | 1:31:47 | 1:41:59 | 1:52:10 | 2:05:46 |
Half Mar. | 1:30:20 | 1:48:24 | 2:01:57 | 2:15:30 | 2:29:03 | 2:47:07 |
Marathon | 3:08:20 | 3:46:00 | 4:14:15 | 4:42:30 | 5:10:45 | 5:48:25 |
69 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:20:22 | 0:24:26 | 0:27:30 | 0:30:33 | 0:33:36 | 0:37:41 |
5 Miles | 0:33:18 | 0:39:58 | 0:44:57 | 0:49:57 | 0:54:57 | 1:01:36 |
10k | 0:42:00 | 0:50:24 | 0:56:42 | 1:03:00 | 1:09:18 | 1:17:42 |
10 Miles | 1:08:54 | 1:22:41 | 1:33:01 | 1:43:21 | 1:53:41 | 2:07:28 |
Half Mar. | 1:31:32 | 1:49:50 | 2:03:34 | 2:17:18 | 2:31:02 | 2:49:20 |
Marathon | 3:10:49 | 3:48:59 | 4:17:36 | 4:46:13 | 5:14:51 | 5:53:01 |
70 Female | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k | 0:20:39 | 0:24:47 | 0:27:53 | 0:30:59 | 0:34:04 | 0:38:12 |
5 Miles | 0:33:45 | 0:40:30 | 0:45:34 | 0:50:37 | 0:55:41 | 1:02:26 |
10k | 0:42:34 | 0:51:05 | 0:57:28 | 1:03:51 | 1:10:14 | 1:18:45 |
10 Miles | 1:09:50 | 1:23:48 | 1:34:17 | 1:44:45 | 1:55:14 | 2:09:11 |
Half Mar. | 1:32:46 | 1:51:19 | 2:05:14 | 2:19:09 | 2:33:04 | 2:51:37 |
Marathon | 3:13:21 | 3:52:01 | 4:21:01 | 4:50:02 | 5:19:02 | 5:57:42 |
Male standards
15 – 32 | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:12:58 | 0:15:34 | 0:17:30 | 0:19:27 | 0:21:24 | 0:23:59 |
5 Miles |
0:21:19 | 0:25:35 | 0:28:47 | 0:31:58 | 0:35:10 | 0:39:26 |
10k |
0:26:58 | 0:32:22 | 0:36:24 | 0:40:27 | 0:44:30 | 0:49:53 |
10 Miles |
0:44:40 | 0:53:36 | 1:00:18 | 1:07:00 | 1:13:42 | 1:22:38 |
Half Mar. |
0:59:39 | 1:11:35 | 1:20:32 | 1:29:29 | 1:38:25 | 1:50:21 |
Marathon |
2:06:50 | 2:32:12 | 2:51:13 | 3:10:15 | 3:29:16 | 3:54:39 |
33 | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:12:58 | 0:15:34 | 0:17:30 | 0:19:27 | 0:21:24 | 0:23:59 |
5 Miles |
0:21:19 | 0:25:35 | 0:28:47 | 0:31:58 | 0:35:10 | 0:39:26 |
10k |
0:26:58 | 0:32:22 | 0:36:24 | 0:40:27 | 0:44:30 | 0:49:53 |
10 Miles |
0:44:40 | 0:53:36 | 1:00:18 | 1:07:00 | 1:13:42 | 1:22:38 |
Half Mar. |
0:59:39 | 1:11:35 | 1:20:32 | 1:29:29 | 1:38:25 | 1:50:21 |
Marathon |
2:06:50 | 2:32:12 | 2:51:13 | 3:10:15 | 3:29:16 | 3:54:39 |
34 | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:12:58 | 0:15:34 | 0:17:30 | 0:19:27 | 0:21:24 | 0:23:59 |
5 Miles |
0:21:19 | 0:25:35 | 0:28:47 | 0:31:58 | 0:35:10 | 0:39:26 |
10k |
0:26:58 | 0:32:22 | 0:36:24 | 0:40:27 | 0:44:30 | 0:49:53 |
10 Miles |
0:44:40 | 0:53:36 | 1:00:18 | 1:07:00 | 1:13:42 | 1:22:38 |
Half Mar. |
0:59:39 | 1:11:35 | 1:20:32 | 1:29:29 | 1:38:25 | 1:50:21 |
Marathon |
2:06:50 | 2:32:12 | 2:51:13 | 3:10:15 | 3:29:16 | 3:54:39 |
35 | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:13:01 | 0:15:37 | 0:17:34 | 0:19:32 | 0:21:29 | 0:24:05 |
5 Miles |
0:21:19 | 0:25:35 | 0:28:47 | 0:31:58 | 0:35:10 | 0:39:26 |
10k |
0:26:58 | 0:32:22 | 0:36:24 | 0:40:27 | 0:44:30 | 0:49:53 |
10 Miles |
0:44:40 | 0:53:36 | 1:00:18 | 1:07:00 | 1:13:42 | 1:22:38 |
Half Mar. |
0:59:39 | 1:11:35 | 1:20:32 | 1:29:29 | 1:38:25 | 1:50:21 |
Marathon |
2:06:50 | 2:32:12 | 2:51:13 | 3:10:15 | 3:29:16 | 3:54:39 |
36 | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:13:06 | 0:15:43 | 0:17:41 | 0:19:39 | 0:21:37 | 0:24:14 |
5 Miles |
0:21:27 | 0:25:44 | 0:28:57 | 0:32:10 | 0:35:24 | 0:39:41 |
10k |
0:27:06 | 0:32:31 | 0:36:35 | 0:40:39 | 0:44:43 | 0:50:08 |
10 Miles |
0:44:41 | 0:53:37 | 1:00:19 | 1:07:02 | 1:13:44 | 1:22:40 |
Half Mar. |
0:59:39 | 1:11:35 | 1:20:32 | 1:29:29 | 1:38:25 | 1:50:21 |
Marathon |
2:06:50 | 2:32:12 | 2:51:13 | 3:10:15 | 3:29:16 | 3:54:39 |
37 | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:13:12 | 0:15:50 | 0:17:49 | 0:19:48 | 0:21:47 | 0:24:25 |
5 Miles |
0:21:36 | 0:25:55 | 0:29:10 | 0:32:24 | 0:35:38 | 0:39:58 |
10k |
0:27:17 | 0:32:44 | 0:36:50 | 0:40:56 | 0:45:01 | 0:50:28 |
10 Miles |
0:44:59 | 0:53:59 | 1:00:44 | 1:07:29 | 1:14:13 | 1:23:13 |
Half Mar. |
0:59:55 | 1:11:54 | 1:20:53 | 1:29:52 | 1:38:52 | 1:50:51 |
Marathon |
2:06:50 | 2:32:12 | 2:51:13 | 3:10:15 | 3:29:16 | 3:54:39 |
38 | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:13:17 | 0:15:56 | 0:17:56 | 0:19:55 | 0:21:55 | 0:24:34 |
5 Miles |
0:21:45 | 0:26:06 | 0:29:22 | 0:32:38 | 0:35:53 | 0:40:14 |
10k |
0:27:28 | 0:32:58 | 0:37:05 | 0:41:12 | 0:45:19 | 0:50:49 |
10 Miles |
0:45:18 | 0:54:22 | 1:01:09 | 1:07:57 | 1:14:45 | 1:23:48 |
Half Mar. |
1:00:19 | 1:12:33 | 1:21:26 | 1:30:28 | 1:39:31 | 1:51:35 |
Marathon |
2:07:11 | 2:32:37 | 2:51:42 | 3:10:47 | 3:29:51 | 3:55:17 |
39 | World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:13:23 | 0:16:04 | 0:18:04 | 0:20:04 | 0:22:05 | 0:24:46 |
5 Miles |
0:21:55 | 0:26:18 | 0:29:35 | 0:32:53 | 0:36:10 | 0:40:33 |
10k |
0:27:40 | 0:33:12 | 0:37:21 | 0:41:30 | 0:45:39 | 0:51:11 |
10 Miles |
0:45:37 | 0:54:44 | 1:01:35 | 1:08:26 | 1:15:16 | 1:24:23 |
Half Mar. |
1:00:45 | 1:12:54 | 1:22:01 | 1:31:07 | 1:40:14 | 1:52:23 |
Marathon |
2:08:04 | 2:33:41 | 2:52:53 | 3:12:06 | 3:31:19 | 3:56:55 |
40 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:13:29 | 0:16:11 | 0:18:12 | 0:20:14 | 0:22:15 | 0:24:57 |
5 Miles |
0:22:04 | 0:26:29 | 0:29:47 | 0:33:06 | 0:36:25 | 0:40:49 |
10k |
0:27:52 | 0:33:26 | 0:37:37 | 0:41:48 | 0:45:59 | 0:51:33 |
10 Miles |
0:45:57 | 0:55:08 | 1:02:02 | 1:08:55 | 1:15:49 | 1:25:00 |
Half Mar. |
1:01:10 | 1:13:24 | 1:22:34 | 1:31:45 | 1:40:55 | 1:53:09 |
Marathon |
2:08:58 | 2:34:46 | 2:54:06 | 3:13:27 | 3:32:48 | 3:58:35 |
41 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:13:35 | 0:16:18 | 0:18:20 | 0:20:23 | 0:22:25 | 0:25:08 |
5 Miles |
0:22:13 | 0:26:40 | 0:30:00 | 0:33:20 | 0:36:39 | 0:41:06 |
10k |
0:28:04 | 0:33:41 | 0:37:53 | 0:42:06 | 0:46:19 | 0:51:55 |
10 Miles |
0:46:16 | 0:55:31 | 1:02:28 | 1:09:24 | 1:16:20 | 1:25:36 |
Half Mar. |
1:01:37 | 1:13:56 | 1:23:11 | 1:32:25 | 1:41:40 | 1:53:59 |
Marathon |
2:09:53 | 2:35:52 | 2:55:21 | 3:14:50 | 3:34:18 | 4:00:17 |
42 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:13:41 | 0:16:25 | 0:18:28 | 0:20:31 | 0:22:35 | 0:25:19 |
5 Miles |
0:22:23 | 0:26:52 | 0:30:13 | 0:33:35 | 0:36:56 | 0:41:25 |
10k |
0:28:16 | 0:33:55 | 0:38:10 | 0:42:24 | 0:46:38 | 0:52:18 |
10 Miles |
0:46:37 | 0:55:56 | 1:02:56 | 1:09:56 | 1:16:55 | 1:26:14 |
Half Mar. |
1:02:03 | 1:14:28 | 1:23:46 | 1:33:05 | 1:42:23 | 1:54:48 |
Marathon |
2:10:49 | 2:36:59 | 2:56:36 | 3:16:14 | 3:35:51 | 4:02:01 |
43 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:13:47 | 0:16:32 | 0:18:36 | 0:20:41 | 0:22:45 | 0:25:30 |
5 Miles |
0:22:33 | 0:27:04 | 0:30:27 | 0:33:50 | 0:37:12 | 0:41:43 |
10k |
0:28:29 | 0:34:11 | 0:38:27 | 0:42:44 | 0:47:00 | 0:52:42 |
10 Miles |
0:46:57 | 0:56:20 | 1:03:23 | 1:10:26 | 1:17:28 | 1:26:51 |
Half Mar. |
1:02:30 | 1:15:00 | 1:24:23 | 1:33:45 | 1:43:07 | 1:55:38 |
Marathon |
2:11:46 | 2:38:07 | 2:57:53 | 3:17:39 | 3:37:25 | 4:03:46 |
44 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:13:53 | 0:16:40 | 0:18:45 | 0:20:49 | 0:22:54 | 0:25:41 |
5 Miles |
0:22:43 | 0:27:16 | 0:30:40 | 0:34:04 | 0:37:29 | 0:42:02 |
10k |
0:28:41 | 0:34:25 | 0:38:43 | 0:43:01 | 0:47:20 | 0:53:04 |
10 Miles |
0:47:18 | 0:56:46 | 1:03:51 | 1:10:57 | 1:18:03 | 1:27:30 |
Half Mar. |
1:02:58 | 1:15:34 | 1:25:00 | 1:34:27 | 1:43:54 | 1:56:29 |
Marathon |
2:12:44 | 2:39:17 | 2:59:11 | 3:19:06 | 3:39:01 | 4:05:33 |
45 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:13:59 | 0:16:47 | 0:18:53 | 0:20:59 | 0:23:04 | 0:25:52 |
5 Miles |
0:22:53 | 0:27:28 | 0:30:54 | 0:34:19 | 0:37:45 | 0:42:20 |
10k |
0:28:54 | 0:34:41 | 0:39:01 | 0:43:21 | 0:47:41 | 0:53:28 |
10 Miles |
0:47:39 | 0:57:11 | 1:04:20 | 1:11:29 | 1:18:37 | 1:28:09 |
Half Mar. |
1:03:26 | 1:16:07 | 1:25:38 | 1:35:09 | 1:44:40 | 1:57:21 |
Marathon |
2:13:42 | 2:40:26 | 3:00:30 | 3:20:33 | 3:40:36 | 4:07:21 |
46 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:14:05 | 0:16:54 | 0:19:01 | 0:21:07 | 0:23:14 | 0:26:03 |
5 Miles |
0:23:03 | 0:27:40 | 0:31:07 | 0:34:34 | 0:38:02 | 0:42:39 |
10k |
0:29:07 | 0:34:56 | 0:39:18 | 0:43:41 | 0:48:03 | 0:53:52 |
10 Miles |
0:48:00 | 0:57:36 | 1:04:48 | 1:12:00 | 1:19:12 | 1:28:48 |
Half Mar. |
1:03:55 | 1:16:42 | 1:26:17 | 1:35:52 | 1:45:28 | 1:58:15 |
Marathon |
2:14:43 | 2:41:40 | 3:01:52 | 3:22:05 | 3:42:17 | 4:09:14 |
47 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:14:12 | 0:17:02 | 0:19:10 | 0:21:18 | 0:23:26 | 0:26:16 |
5 Miles |
0:23:14 | 0:27:53 | 0:31:22 | 0:34:51 | 0:38:20 | 0:42:59 |
10k |
0:29:21 | 0:35:13 | 0:39:37 | 0:44:02 | 0:48:26 | 0:54:18 |
10 Miles |
0:48:23 | 0:58:04 | 1:05:19 | 1:12:35 | 1:19:50 | 1:29:31 |
Half Mar. |
1:04:24 | 1:17:17 | 1:26:56 | 1:36:36 | 1:46:16 | 1:59:08 |
Marathon |
2:15:45 | 2:42:54 | 3:03:16 | 3:23:38 | 3:43:59 | 4:11:08 |
48 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:14:18 | 0:17:10 | 0:19:18 | 0:21:27 | 0:23:36 | 0:26:27 |
5 Miles |
0:23:25 | 0:28:06 | 0:31:37 | 0:35:08 | 0:38:38 | 0:43:19 |
10k |
0:29:34 | 0:35:29 | 0:39:55 | 0:44:21 | 0:48:47 | 0:54:42 |
10 Miles |
0:48:45 | 0:58:30 | 1:05:49 | 1:13:08 | 1:20:26 | 1:30:11 |
Half Mar. |
1:04:54 | 1:17:53 | 1:27:37 | 1:37:21 | 1:47:05 | 2:00:04 |
Marathon |
2:16:47 | 2:44:08 | 3:04:39 | 3:25:11 | 3:45:42 | 4:13:03 |
49 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:14:25 | 0:17:18 | 0:19:28 | 0:21:37 | 0:23:47 | 0:26:40 |
5 Miles |
0:23:36 | 0:28:19 | 0:31:52 | 0:35:24 | 0:38:56 | 0:43:40 |
10k |
0:29:48 | 0:35:46 | 0:40:14 | 0:44:42 | 0:49:10 | 0:55:08 |
10 Miles |
0:49:08 | 0:58:58 | 1:06:20 | 1:13:42 | 1:21:04 | 1:30:54 |
Half Mar. |
1:05:24 | 1:18:29 | 1:28:17 | 1:38:06 | 1:47:55 | 2:00:59 |
Marathon |
2:17:51 | 2:45:25 | 3:06:06 | 3:26:47 | 3:47:27 | 4:15:01 |
50 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:14:32 | 0:17:26 | 0:19:37 | 0:21:48 | 0:23:59 | 0:26:53 |
5 Miles |
0:23:47 | 0:28:32 | 0:32:06 | 0:35:41 | 0:39:15 | 0:44:00 |
10k |
0:30:02 | 0:36:02 | 0:40:33 | 0:45:03 | 0:49:33 | 0:55:34 |
10 Miles |
0:49:31 | 0:59:25 | 1:06:51 | 1:14:17 | 1:21:42 | 1:31:36 |
Half Mar. |
1:05:55 | 1:19:06 | 1:28:59 | 1:38:53 | 1:48:46 | 2:01:57 |
Marathon |
2:18:55 | 2:46:42 | 3:07:32 | 3:28:23 | 3:49:13 | 4:17:00 |
51 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:14:39 | 0:17:35 | 0:19:47 | 0:21:59 | 0:24:10 | 0:27:06 |
5 Miles |
0:23:58 | 0:28:46 | 0:32:21 | 0:35:57 | 0:39:33 | 0:44:20 |
10k |
0:30:17 | 0:36:20 | 0:40:53 | 0:45:26 | 0:49:58 | 0:56:01 |
10 Miles |
0:49:55 | 0:59:54 | 1:07:23 | 1:14:52 | 1:22:22 | 1:32:21 |
Half Mar. |
1:06:27 | 1:19:44 | 1:29:42 | 1:39:40 | 1:49:39 | 2:02:56 |
Marathon |
2:20:03 | 2:48:04 | 3:09:04 | 3:30:05 | 3:51:05 | 4:19:06 |
52 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:14:46 | 0:17:43 | 0:19:56 | 0:22:09 | 0:24:22 | 0:27:19 |
5 Miles |
0:24:10 | 0:29:00 | 0:32:38 | 0:36:15 | 0:39:52 | 0:44:43 |
10k |
0:30:32 | 0:36:38 | 0:41:13 | 0:45:48 | 0:50:23 | 0:56:29 |
10 Miles |
0:50:20 | 1:00:24 | 1:07:57 | 1:15:30 | 1:23:03 | 1:33:07 |
Half Mar. |
1:07:00 | 1:20:24 | 1:30:27 | 1:40:30 | 1:50:33 | 2:03:57 |
Marathon |
2:21:11 | 2:49:25 | 3:10:36 | 3:31:47 | 3:52:57 | 4:21:11 |
53 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:14:53 | 0:17:52 | 0:20:06 | 0:22:20 | 0:24:33 | 0:27:32 |
5 Miles |
0:24:22 | 0:29:14 | 0:32:54 | 0:36:33 | 0:40:12 | 0:45:05 |
10k |
0:30:47 | 0:36:56 | 0:41:33 | 0:46:11 | 0:50:48 | 0:56:57 |
10 Miles |
0:50:45 | 1:00:54 | 1:08:31 | 1:16:08 | 1:23:44 | 1:33:53 |
Half Mar. |
1:07:33 | 1:21:04 | 1:31:12 | 1:41:19 | 1:51:27 | 2:04:58 |
Marathon |
2:22:21 | 2:50:49 | 3:12:10 | 3:33:32 | 3:54:53 | 4:23:21 |
54 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:15:01 | 0:18:01 | 0:20:16 | 0:22:31 | 0:24:47 | 0:27:47 |
5 Miles |
0:24:34 | 0:29:29 | 0:33:10 | 0:36:51 | 0:40:32 | 0:45:27 |
10k |
0:31:03 | 0:37:16 | 0:41:55 | 0:46:35 | 0:51:14 | 0:57:27 |
10 Miles |
0:51:10 | 1:01:24 | 1:09:05 | 1:16:45 | 1:24:26 | 1:34:39 |
Half Mar. |
1:08:07 | 1:21:44 | 1:31:57 | 1:42:10 | 1:52:24 | 2:06:01 |
Marathon |
2:23:32 | 2:52:14 | 3:13:46 | 3:35:18 | 3:56:50 | 4:25:32 |
55 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:15:08 | 0:18:10 | 0:20:26 | 0:22:42 | 0:24:58 | 0:28:00 |
5 Miles |
0:24:47 | 0:29:44 | 0:33:27 | 0:37:11 | 0:40:54 | 0:45:51 |
10k |
0:31:18 | 0:37:34 | 0:42:15 | 0:46:57 | 0:51:39 | 0:57:54 |
10 Miles |
0:51:36 | 1:01:55 | 1:09:40 | 1:17:24 | 1:25:08 | 1:35:28 |
Half Mar. |
1:08:41 | 1:22:25 | 1:32:43 | 1:43:01 | 1:53:20 | 2:07:04 |
Marathon |
2:24:44 | 2:53:41 | 3:15:23 | 3:37:06 | 3:58:49 | 4:27:45 |
56 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:15:16 | 0:18:19 | 0:20:37 | 0:22:54 | 0:25:11 | 0:28:15 |
5 Miles |
0:25:00 | 0:30:00 | 0:33:45 | 0:37:30 | 0:41:15 | 0:46:15 |
10k |
0:31:35 | 0:37:54 | 0:42:38 | 0:47:23 | 0:52:07 | 0:58:26 |
10 Miles |
0:52:04 | 1:02:29 | 1:10:17 | 1:18:06 | 1:25:55 | 1:36:19 |
Half Mar. |
1:09:17 | 1:23:08 | 1:33:32 | 1:43:55 | 1:54:19 | 2:08:10 |
Marathon |
2:26:01 | 2:55:13 | 3:17:07 | 3:39:01 | 4:00:56 | 4:30:08 |
57 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:15:25 | 0:18:30 | 0:20:49 | 0:23:07 | 0:25:26 | 0:28:31 |
5 Miles |
0:25:14 | 0:30:17 | 0:34:04 | 0:37:51 | 0:41:38 | 0:46:41 |
10k |
0:31:52 | 0:38:14 | 0:43:01 | 0:47:48 | 0:52:35 | 0:58:57 |
10 Miles |
0:52:32 | 1:03:02 | 1:10:55 | 1:18:48 | 1:26:41 | 1:37:11 |
Half Mar. |
1:09:55 | 1:23:54 | 1:34:23 | 1:44:53 | 1:55:22 | 2:09:21 |
Marathon |
2:27:19 | 2:56:47 | 3:18:53 | 3:40:59 | 4:03:04 | 4:32:32 |
58 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:15:33 | 0:18:40 | 0:21:00 | 0:23:19 | 0:25:39 | 0:28:46 |
5 Miles |
0:25:27 | 0:30:32 | 0:34:21 | 0:38:11 | 0:42:00 | 0:47:05 |
10k |
0:32:09 | 0:38:35 | 0:43:24 | 0:48:13 | 0:53:03 | 0:59:29 |
10 Miles |
0:53:00 | 1:03:36 | 1:11:33 | 1:19:30 | 1:27:27 | 1:38:03 |
Half Mar. |
1:10:32 | 1:24:38 | 1:35:13 | 1:45:48 | 1:56:23 | 2:10:29 |
Marathon |
2:28:38 | 2:58:22 | 3:20:39 | 3:42:57 | 4:05:15 | 4:34:58 |
59 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:15:41 | 0:18:49 | 0:21:10 | 0:23:32 | 0:25:53 | 0:29:01 |
5 Miles |
0:25:41 | 0:30:49 | 0:34:40 | 0:38:31 | 0:42:23 | 0:47:31 |
10k |
0:32:27 | 0:38:56 | 0:43:48 | 0:48:41 | 0:53:33 | 1:00:02 |
10 Miles |
0:53:29 | 1:04:11 | 1:12:12 | 1:20:14 | 1:28:15 | 1:38:57 |
Half Mar. |
1:11:11 | 1:25:25 | 1:36:06 | 1:46:46 | 1:57:27 | 2:11:41 |
Marathon |
2:29:59 | 2:59:59 | 3:22:29 | 3:44:58 | 4:07:28 | 4:37:28 |
60 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:15:50 | 0:19:00 | 0:21:22 | 0:23:45 | 0:26:08 | 0:29:17 |
5 Miles |
0:25:55 | 0:31:06 | 0:34:59 | 0:38:52 | 0:42:46 | 0:47:57 |
10k |
0:32:45 | 0:39:18 | 0:44:13 | 0:49:07 | 0:54:02 | 1:00:35 |
10 Miles |
0:53:59 | 1:04:47 | 1:12:53 | 1:20:59 | 1:29:04 | 1:39:52 |
Half Mar. |
1:11:50 | 1:26:12 | 1:36:59 | 1:47:45 | 1:58:31 | 2:12:53 |
Marathon |
2:31:21 | 3:01:37 | 3:24:19 | 3:47:01 | 4:09:44 | 4:40:00 |
61 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:15:59 | 0:19:11 | 0:21:35 | 0:23:58 | 0:26:22 | 0:29:34 |
5 Miles |
0:26:11 | 0:31:25 | 0:35:21 | 0:39:16 | 0:43:12 | 0:48:26 |
10k |
0:33:04 | 0:39:41 | 0:44:38 | 0:49:36 | 0:54:34 | 1:01:10 |
10 Miles |
0:54:31 | 1:05:25 | 1:13:36 | 1:21:47 | 1:29:57 | 1:40:51 |
Half Mar. |
1:12:32 | 1:27:02 | 1:37:55 | 1:48:48 | 1:59:41 | 2:14:11 |
Marathon |
2:32:50 | 3:03:24 | 3:26:20 | 3:49:15 | 4:12:11 | 4:42:45 |
62 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:16:09 | 0:19:23 | 0:21:48 | 0:24:13 | 0:26:39 | 0:29:53 |
5 Miles |
0:26:26 | 0:31:43 | 0:35:41 | 0:39:39 | 0:43:37 | 0:48:54 |
10k |
0:33:24 | 0:40:05 | 0:45:05 | 0:50:06 | 0:55:07 | 1:01:47 |
10 Miles |
0:55:03 | 1:06:04 | 1:14:19 | 1:22:35 | 1:30:50 | 1:41:51 |
Half Mar. |
1:13:15 | 1:27:54 | 1:38:53 | 1:49:52 | 2:00:52 | 2:15:31 |
Marathon |
2:34:20 | 3:05:12 | 3:28:21 | 3:51:30 | 4:14:39 | 4:45:31 |
63 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:16:19 | 0:19:35 | 0:22:02 | 0:24:28 | 0:26:55 | 0:30:11 |
5 Miles |
0:26:42 | 0:32:02 | 0:36:03 | 0:40:03 | 0:44:03 | 0:49:24 |
10k |
0:33:44 | 0:40:29 | 0:45:32 | 0:50:36 | 0:55:40 | 1:02:24 |
10 Miles |
0:55:36 | 1:06:43 | 1:15:04 | 1:23:24 | 1:31:44 | 1:42:52 |
Half Mar. |
1:13:59 | 1:28:47 | 1:39:53 | 1:50:59 | 2:02:04 | 2:16:52 |
Marathon |
2:35:52 | 3:07:02 | 3:30:25 | 3:53:48 | 4:17:11 | 4:48:21 |
64 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:16:29 | 0:19:47 | 0:22:15 | 0:24:44 | 0:27:12 | 0:30:30 |
5 Miles |
0:26:59 | 0:32:23 | 0:36:26 | 0:40:29 | 0:44:31 | 0:49:55 |
10k |
0:34:05 | 0:40:54 | 0:46:01 | 0:51:08 | 0:56:14 | 1:03:03 |
10 Miles |
0:56:10 | 1:07:24 | 1:15:50 | 1:24:15 | 1:32:40 | 1:43:55 |
Half Mar. |
1:14:44 | 1:29:41 | 1:40:53 | 1:52:06 | 2:03:19 | 2:18:15 |
Marathon |
2:37:26 | 3:08:55 | 3:32:32 | 3:56:09 | 4:19:46 | 4:51:15 |
65 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:16:39 | 0:19:59 | 0:22:29 | 0:24:59 | 0:27:28 | 0:30:48 |
5 Miles |
0:27:15 | 0:32:42 | 0:36:47 | 0:40:52 | 0:44:58 | 0:50:25 |
10k |
0:34:26 | 0:41:19 | 0:46:29 | 0:51:39 | 0:56:49 | 1:03:42 |
10 Miles |
0:56:44 | 1:08:05 | 1:16:35 | 1:25:06 | 1:33:37 | 1:44:57 |
Half Mar. |
1:15:30 | 1:30:36 | 1:41:55 | 1:53:15 | 2:04:34 | 2:19:40 |
Marathon |
2:39:02 | 3:10:50 | 3:34:42 | 3:58:33 | 4:22:24 | 4:54:13 |
66 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:16:50 | 0:20:12 | 0:22:44 | 0:25:15 | 0:27:46 | 0:31:08 |
5 Miles |
0:27:33 | 0:33:04 | 0:37:12 | 0:41:20 | 0:45:27 | 0:50:58 |
10k |
0:34:49 | 0:41:47 | 0:47:00 | 0:52:14 | 0:57:27 | 1:04:25 |
10 Miles |
0:57:22 | 1:08:50 | 1:17:27 | 1:26:03 | 1:34:39 | 1:46:08 |
Half Mar. |
1:16:20 | 1:31:36 | 1:43:03 | 1:54:30 | 2:05:57 | 2:21:13 |
Marathon |
2:40:47 | 3:12:56 | 3:37:03 | 4:01:11 | 4:25:18 | 4:57:27 |
67 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:17:01 | 0:20:25 | 0:22:58 | 0:25:31 | 0:28:05 | 0:31:29 |
5 Miles |
0:27:52 | 0:33:26 | 0:37:37 | 0:41:48 | 0:45:59 | 0:51:33 |
10k |
0:35:12 | 0:42:14 | 0:47:31 | 0:52:48 | 0:58:05 | 1:05:07 |
10 Miles |
0:58:01 | 1:09:37 | 1:18:19 | 1:27:01 | 1:35:44 | 1:47:20 |
Half Mar. |
1:17:11 | 1:32:37 | 1:44:12 | 1:55:46 | 2:07:21 | 2:22:47 |
Marathon |
2:42:35 | 3:15:06 | 3:39:29 | 4:03:53 | 4:28:16 | 5:00:47 |
68 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:17:13 | 0:20:40 | 0:23:15 | 0:25:49 | 0:28:24 | 0:31:51 |
5 Miles |
0:28:11 | 0:33:49 | 0:38:03 | 0:42:16 | 0:46:30 | 0:52:08 |
10k |
0:35:36 | 0:42:43 | 0:48:04 | 0:53:24 | 0:58:44 | 1:05:52 |
10 Miles |
0:58:40 | 1:10:24 | 1:19:12 | 1:28:00 | 1:36:48 | 1:48:32 |
Half Mar. |
1:18:03 | 1:33:40 | 1:45:22 | 1:57:04 | 2:08:47 | 2:24:24 |
Marathon |
2:44:24 | 3:17:17 | 3:41:56 | 4:06:36 | 4:31:16 | 5:04:08 |
69 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:17:25 | 0:20:54 | 0:23:31 | 0:26:08 | 0:28:44 | 0:32:13 |
5 Miles |
0:28:30 | 0:34:12 | 0:38:29 | 0:42:45 | 0:47:01 | 0:52:44 |
10k |
0:36:01 | 0:43:13 | 0:48:37 | 0:54:02 | 0:59:26 | 1:06:38 |
10 Miles |
0:59:21 | 1:11:13 | 1:20:07 | 1:29:01 | 1:37:56 | 1:49:48 |
Half Mar. |
1:18:57 | 1:34:44 | 1:46:35 | 1:58:25 | 2:10:16 | 2:26:03 |
Marathon |
2:46:17 | 3:19:32 | 3:44:29 | 4:09:25 | 4:34:22 | 5:07:37 |
70 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:17:37 | 0:21:08 | 0:23:47 | 0:26:26 | 0:29:04 | 0:32:35 |
5 Miles |
0:28:50 | 0:34:36 | 0:38:55 | 0:43:15 | 0:47:34 | 0:53:21 |
10k |
0:36:26 | 0:43:43 | 0:49:11 | 0:54:39 | 1:00:07 | 1:07:24 |
10 Miles |
1:00:02 | 1:12:02 | 1:21:03 | 1:30:03 | 1:39:03 | 1:51:04 |
Half Mar. |
1:19:52 | 1:35:50 | 1:47:49 | 1:59:48 | 2:11:47 | 2:27:45 |
Marathon |
2:48:11 | 3:21:49 | 3:47:03 | 4:12:17 | 4:37:30 | 5:11:08 |
71 |
World Best | plat | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:17:50 | 0:21:24 | 0:24:05 | 0:26:45 | 0:29:26 | 0:33:00 |
5 Miles |
0:29:13 | 0:35:04 | 0:39:27 | 0:43:49 | 0:48:12 | 0:54:03 |
10k |
0:36:54 | 0:44:17 | 0:49:49 | 0:55:21 | 1:00:53 | 1:08:16 |
10 Miles |
1:00:48 | 1:12:58 | 1:22:05 | 1:31:12 | 1:40:19 | 1:52:29 |
Half Mar. |
1:20:53 | 1:37:04 | 1:49:12 | 2:01:19 | 2:13:27 | 2:29:38 |
Marathon |
2:50:19 | 3:24:23 | 3:49:56 | 4:15:29 | 4:41:01 | 5:15:05 |
72 |
World Best | plat | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:18:04 | 0:21:41 | 0:24:23 | 0:27:06 | 0:29:49 | 0:33:25 |
5 Miles |
0:29:35 | 0:35:30 | 0:39:56 | 0:44:22 | 0:48:49 | 0:54:44 |
10k |
0:37:23 | 0:44:52 | 0:50:28 | 0:56:05 | 1:01:41 | 1:09:10 |
10 Miles |
1:01:35 | 1:13:54 | 1:23:08 | 1:32:22 | 1:41:37 | 1:53:56 |
Half Mar. |
1:21:55 | 1:38:18 | 1:50:35 | 2:02:52 | 2:15:10 | 2:31:33 |
Marathon |
2:52:30 | 3:27:00 | 3:52:53 | 4:18:45 | 4:44:38 | 5:19:08 |
73 |
World Best | plat | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:18:18 | 0:21:58 | 0:24:42 | 0:27:27 | 0:30:12 | 0:33:51 |
5 Miles |
0:29:59 | 0:35:59 | 0:40:29 | 0:44:59 | 0:49:28 | 0:55:28 |
10k |
0:37:52 | 0:45:26 | 0:51:07 | 0:56:48 | 1:02:29 | 1:10:03 |
10 Miles |
1:02:24 | 1:14:53 | 1:24:14 | 1:33:36 | 1:42:58 | 1:55:26 |
Half Mar. |
1:22:59 | 1:39:35 | 1:52:02 | 2:04:28 | 2:16:55 | 2:33:31 |
Marathon |
2:54:44 | 3:29:41 | 3:55:53 | 4:22:06 | 4:48:19 | 5:23:15 |
74 |
World Best | plat | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:18:33 | 0:22:16 | 0:25:03 | 0:27:50 | 0:30:36 | 0:34:19 |
5 Miles |
0:30:22 | 0:36:26 | 0:41:00 | 0:45:33 | 0:50:06 | 0:56:11 |
10k |
0:38:23 | 0:46:04 | 0:51:49 | 0:57:35 | 1:03:20 | 1:11:01 |
10 Miles |
1:03:13 | 1:15:52 | 1:25:21 | 1:34:49 | 1:44:18 | 1:56:57 |
Half Mar. |
1:24:05 | 1:40:54 | 1:53:31 | 2:06:07 | 2:18:44 | 2:35:33 |
Marathon |
2:57:02 | 3:32:26 | 3:59:00 | 4:25:33 | 4:52:06 | 5:27:31 |
75 |
World Best | plat | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:18:48 | 0:22:34 | 0:25:23 | 0:28:12 | 0:31:01 | 0:34:47 |
5 Miles |
0:30:47 | 0:36:56 | 0:41:33 | 0:46:11 | 0:50:48 | 0:56:57 |
10k |
0:38:54 | 0:46:41 | 0:52:31 | 0:58:21 | 1:04:11 | 1:11:58 |
10 Miles |
1:04:04 | 1:16:53 | 1:26:29 | 1:36:06 | 1:45:43 | 1:58:31 |
Half Mar. |
1:25:13 | 1:42:16 | 1:55:03 | 2:07:49 | 2:20:36 | 2:37:39 |
Marathon |
2:59:24 | 3:35:17 | 4:02:11 | 4:29:06 | 4:56:01 | 5:31:53 |
76 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:19:05 | 0:22:54 | 0:25:46 | 0:28:37 | 0:31:29 | 0:35:18 |
5 Miles |
0:31:15 | 0:37:30 | 0:42:11 | 0:46:53 | 0:51:34 | 0:57:49 |
10k |
0:39:29 | 0:47:23 | 0:53:18 | 0:59:14 | 1:05:09 | 1:13:03 |
10 Miles |
1:05:02 | 1:18:02 | 1:27:48 | 1:37:33 | 1:47:18 | 2:00:19 |
Half Mar. |
1:26:30 | 1:43:48 | 1:56:47 | 2:09:45 | 2:22:44 | 2:40:02 |
Marathon |
3:02:04 | 3:38:29 | 4:05:47 | 4:33:06 | 5:00:25 | 5:36:49 |
77 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:19:23 | 0:23:16 | 0:26:10 | 0:29:04 | 0:31:59 | 0:35:52 |
5 Miles |
0:31:44 | 0:38:05 | 0:42:50 | 0:47:36 | 0:52:22 | 0:58:42 |
10k |
0:40:05 | 0:48:06 | 0:54:07 | 1:00:08 | 1:06:08 | 1:14:09 |
10 Miles |
1:06:02 | 1:19:14 | 1:29:09 | 1:39:03 | 1:48:57 | 2:02:10 |
Half Mar. |
1:27:49 | 1:45:23 | 1:58:33 | 2:11:43 | 2:24:54 | 2:42:28 |
Marathon |
3:04:39 | 3:41:35 | 4:09:17 | 4:36:59 | 5:04:40 | 5:41:36 |
78 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:19:41 | 0:23:37 | 0:26:34 | 0:29:32 | 0:32:29 | 0:36:25 |
5 Miles |
0:32:13 | 0:38:40 | 0:43:30 | 0:48:20 | 0:53:09 | 0:59:36 |
10k |
0:40:43 | 0:48:52 | 0:54:58 | 1:01:05 | 1:07:11 | 1:15:20 |
10 Miles |
1:07:04 | 1:20:29 | 1:30:32 | 1:40:36 | 1:50:40 | 2:04:04 |
Half Mar. |
1:29:10 | 1:47:00 | 2:00:23 | 2:13:45 | 2:27:08 | 2:44:58 |
Marathon |
3:07:40 | 3:45:12 | 4:13:21 | 4:41:30 | 5:09:39 | 5:47:11 |
79 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:19:59 | 0:23:59 | 0:26:59 | 0:29:58 | 0:32:58 | 0:36:58 |
5 Miles |
0:32:44 | 0:39:17 | 0:44:11 | 0:49:06 | 0:54:01 | 1:00:33 |
10k |
0:41:21 | 0:49:37 | 0:55:49 | 1:02:02 | 1:08:14 | 1:16:30 |
10 Miles |
1:08:07 | 1:21:44 | 1:31:57 | 1:42:10 | 1:52:24 | 2:06:01 |
Half Mar. |
1:30:34 | 1:48:41 | 2:02:16 | 2:15:51 | 2:29:26 | 2:47:33 |
Marathon |
3:10:35 | 3:48:42 | 4:17:17 | 4:45:52 | 5:14:28 | 5:52:35 |
80 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:20:41 | 0:24:49 | 0:27:55 | 0:31:02 | 0:34:08 | 0:38:16 |
81 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:20:41 | 0:24:49 | 0:27:55 | 0:31:02 | 0:34:08 | 0:38:16 |
10k |
0:42:48 | 0:51:22 | 0:57:47 | 1:04:12 | 1:10:37 | 1:19:11 |
82 |
World Best | Platinum | Gold | Silver | Bronze | Copper |
5k |
0:21:05 | 0:25:18 | 0:28:28 | 0:31:37 | 0:34:47 | 0:39:00 |
10k |
0:43:37 | 0:52:20 | 0:58:53 | 1:05:26 | 1:11:58 | 1:20:41 |