Club Standards

Race standards are designed to encourage members to enter more races and try to achieve pre-set standards which will be awarded by the club. These standards are gender- and age-specific and are based on the World Standard Times published by the WAVA (World Association of Veteran Athletes), and consist of WORLD, PLATINUM, GOLD, SILVER, BRONZE, COPPER levels.

They are set at the world record level, plus a specific percentage:

  • Platinum – world + 20%
  • Gold – world + 35%
  • Silver – world + 50%
  • Bronze – world + 65%
  • Copper – world + 85%

The following standard distances are supported: 5K, 5M, 10K, 10M, Half Marathon, Marathon, but you do not need to run all distances, only results from 3 separate distances within one calendar year are required, for example a SILVER at 5K, 10K and marathon gains you a SILVER AWARD, while SILVER at 10K and 2 marathons does not.


  1. Only UKA-affiliated members are eligible.
  2. The race must have been accurately measured and certified, the result are taken from the official results.
  3. The time achieved must be better than the standard i.e. standard = 46 minutes, time achieved 45 minutes 59 seconds or better.
  4. Awards will only be given for standards achieved at the lower level at three different distances in one year. For instance if you achieve SILVER for 5K, 10K and marathon you will get a SILVER standard. If you achieve SILVER for 5K and 10k and BRONZE for a marathon you will achieve a BRONZE standard.
    Everyone will age one year during the year, so the age category as of 1 January of the year will count.
  5. Claims for standards on a race will be accepted on an annual basis commencing 1 January through to 31 Dec. Claims should be sent to Anja at including the event name, distance, time, date and claimed standard for all 3 races.The Committee will collate all claims and check them for accuracy.

Standards will be awarded at the annual Christmas party.

Female standards

19-32 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:14:24 0:17:17 0:19:26 0:21:36 0:23:46 0:26:38
5 Miles 0:23:39 0:28:23 0:31:56 0:35:29 0:39:01 0:43:45
10k 0:29:55 0:35:54 0:40:23 0:44:53 0:49:22 0:55:21
10 Miles 0:49:23 0:59:16 1:06:40 1:14:05 1:21:29 1:31:22
Half Mar. 1:05:48 1:18:58 1:28:50 1:38:42 1:48:34 2:01:44
Marathon 2:18:51 2:46:37 3:07:27 3:28:17 3:49:06 4:16:52
33 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:14:24 0:17:17 0:19:26 0:21:36 0:23:46 0:26:38
5 Miles 0:23:39 0:28:23 0:31:56 0:35:29 0:39:01 0:43:45
10k 0:29:55 0:35:54 0:40:23 0:44:53 0:49:22 0:55:21
10 Miles 0:49:23 0:59:16 1:06:40 1:14:05 1:21:29 1:31:22
Half Mar. 1:05:48 1:18:58 1:28:50 1:38:42 1:48:34 2:01:44
Marathon 2:18:51 2:46:37 3:07:27 3:28:17 3:49:06 4:16:52
34 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:14:25 0:17:18 0:19:28 0:21:37 0:23:47 0:26:40
5 Miles 0:23:39 0:28:23 0:31:56 0:35:29 0:39:01 0:43:45
10k 0:29:55 0:35:54 0:40:23 0:44:53 0:49:22 0:55:21
10 Miles 0:49:23 0:59:16 1:06:40 1:14:05 1:21:29 1:31:22
Half Mar. 1:05:48 1:18:58 1:28:50 1:38:42 1:48:34 2:01:44
Marathon 2:18:51 2:46:37 3:07:27 3:28:17 3:49:06 4:16:52
35 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:14:31 0:17:25 0:19:36 0:21:46 0:23:57 0:26:51
5 Miles 0:23:46 0:28:31 0:32:05 0:35:39 0:39:13 0:43:58
10k 0:30:00 0:36:00 0:40:30 0:45:00 0:49:30 0:55:30
10 Miles 0:49:23 0:59:16 1:06:40 1:14:05 1:21:29 1:31:22
Half Mar. 1:05:48 1:18:58 1:28:50 1:38:42 1:48:34 2:01:44
Marathon 2:18:51 2:46:37 3:07:27 3:28:17 3:49:06 4:16:52
36 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:14:38 0:17:34 0:19:45 0:21:57 0:24:09 0:27:04
5 Miles 0:23:57 0:28:44 0:32:20 0:35:56 0:39:31 0:44:18
10k 0:30:14 0:36:17 0:40:49 0:45:21 0:49:53 0:55:56
10 Miles 0:49:41 0:59:37 1:07:04 1:14:32 1:21:59 1:31:55
Half Mar. 1:06:00 1:19:12 1:29:06 1:39:00 1:48:54 2:02:06
Marathon 2:18:51 2:46:37 3:07:27 3:28:17 3:49:06 4:16:52
37 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:14:45 0:17:42 0:19:55 0:22:08 0:24:20 0:27:17
5 Miles 0:24:08 0:28:58 0:32:35 0:36:12 0:39:49 0:44:39
10k 0:30:28 0:36:34 0:41:08 0:45:42 0:50:16 0:56:22
10 Miles 0:50:04 1:00:05 1:07:35 1:15:06 1:22:37 1:32:37
Half Mar. 1:06:32 1:19:50 1:29:49 1:39:48 1:49:47 2:03:05
Marathon 2:19:09 2:46:59 3:07:51 3:28:44 3:49:36 4:17:26
38 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:14:52 0:17:50 0:20:04 0:22:18 0:24:32 0:27:30
5 Miles 0:24:19 0:29:11 0:32:50 0:36:29 0:40:07 0:44:59
10k 0:30:43 0:36:52 0:41:28 0:46:05 0:50:41 0:56:50
10 Miles 0:50:28 1:00:34 1:08:08 1:15:42 1:23:16 1:33:22
Half Mar. 1:07:03 1:20:28 1:30:31 1:40:34 1:50:38 2:04:03
Marathon 2:20:14 2:48:17 3:09:19 3:30:21 3:51:23 4:19:26
39 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:15:00 0:18:00 0:20:15 0:22:30 0:24:45 0:27:45
5 Miles 0:24:32 0:29:26 0:33:07 0:36:48 0:40:29 0:45:23
10k 0:30:58 0:37:10 0:41:48 0:46:27 0:51:06 0:57:17
10 Miles 0:50:52 1:01:02 1:08:40 1:16:18 1:23:56 1:34:06
Half Mar. 1:07:35 1:21:06 1:31:14 1:41:22 1:51:31 2:05:02
Marathon 2:21:21 2:49:37 3:10:49 3:32:02 3:53:14 4:21:30
40 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:15:07 0:18:08 0:20:24 0:22:41 0:24:57 0:27:58
5 Miles 0:24:44 0:29:41 0:33:23 0:37:06 0:40:49 0:45:45
10k 0:31:13 0:37:28 0:42:09 0:46:50 0:51:30 0:57:45
10 Miles 0:51:17 1:01:32 1:09:14 1:16:55 1:24:37 1:34:52
Half Mar. 1:08:08 1:21:46 1:31:59 1:42:12 1:52:25 2:06:03
Marathon 2:22:29 2:50:59 3:12:21 3:33:44 3:55:06 4:23:36
41 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:15:14 0:18:17 0:20:34 0:22:51 0:25:08 0:28:11
5 Miles 0:24:56 0:29:55 0:33:40 0:37:24 0:41:08 0:46:08
10k 0:31:28 0:37:46 0:42:29 0:47:12 0:51:55 0:58:13
10 Miles 0:51:42 1:02:02 1:09:48 1:17:33 1:25:18 1:35:39
Half Mar. 1:08:42 1:22:26 1:32:45 1:43:03 1:53:21 2:07:06
Marathon 2:23:39 2:52:23 3:13:56 3:35:29 3:57:01 4:25:45
42 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:15:22 0:18:26 0:20:45 0:23:03 0:25:21 0:28:26
5 Miles 0:25:08 0:30:10 0:33:56 0:37:42 0:41:28 0:46:30
10k 0:31:44 0:38:05 0:42:50 0:47:36 0:52:22 0:58:42
10 Miles 0:52:08 1:02:34 1:10:23 1:18:12 1:26:01 1:36:27
Half Mar. 1:09:16 1:23:07 1:33:31 1:43:54 1:54:17 2:08:09
Marathon 2:24:50 2:53:48 3:15:32 3:37:15 3:58:59 4:27:56
43 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:15:30 0:18:36 0:20:56 0:23:15 0:25:35 0:28:41
5 Miles 0:25:21 0:30:25 0:34:13 0:38:02 0:41:50 0:46:54
10k 0:32:00 0:38:24 0:43:12 0:48:00 0:52:48 0:59:12
10 Miles 0:52:34 1:03:05 1:10:58 1:18:51 1:26:44 1:37:15
Half Mar. 1:09:51 1:23:49 1:34:18 1:44:46 1:55:15 2:09:13
Marathon 2:26:02 2:55:14 3:17:09 3:39:03 4:00:57 4:30:10
44 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:15:38 0:18:46 0:21:06 0:23:27 0:25:48 0:28:55
5 Miles 0:25:34 0:30:41 0:34:31 0:38:21 0:42:11 0:47:18
10k 0:32:16 0:38:43 0:43:34 0:48:24 0:53:14 0:59:42
10 Miles 0:53:01 1:03:37 1:11:34 1:19:32 1:27:29 1:38:05
Half Mar. 1:10:26 1:24:31 1:35:05 1:45:39 1:56:13 2:10:18
Marathon 2:27:15 2:56:42 3:18:47 3:40:52 4:02:58 4:32:25
45 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:15:46 0:18:55 0:21:17 0:23:39 0:26:01 0:29:10
5 Miles 0:25:47 0:30:56 0:34:48 0:38:40 0:42:33 0:47:42
10k 0:32:33 0:39:04 0:43:57 0:48:50 0:53:42 1:00:13
10 Miles 0:53:28 1:04:10 1:12:11 1:20:12 1:28:13 1:38:55
Half Mar. 1:11:02 1:25:14 1:35:54 1:46:33 1:57:12 2:11:25
Marathon 2:28:29 2:58:11 3:20:27 3:42:44 4:05:00 4:34:42
46 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:15:54 0:19:05 0:21:28 0:23:51 0:26:14 0:29:25
5 Miles 0:26:01 0:31:13 0:35:07 0:39:02 0:42:56 0:48:08
10k 0:32:50 0:39:24 0:44:20 0:49:15 0:54:11 1:00:45
10 Miles 0:53:56 1:04:43 1:12:49 1:20:54 1:28:59 1:39:47
Half Mar. 1:11:39 1:25:59 1:36:44 1:47:29 1:58:13 2:12:33
Marathon 2:29:46 2:59:43 3:22:11 3:44:39 4:07:07 4:37:04
47 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:16:02 0:19:14 0:21:39 0:24:03 0:26:27 0:29:40
5 Miles 0:26:15 0:31:30 0:35:26 0:39:22 0:43:19 0:48:34
10k 0:33:07 0:39:44 0:44:42 0:49:41 0:54:39 1:01:16
10 Miles 0:54:24 1:05:17 1:13:26 1:21:36 1:29:46 1:40:38
Half Mar. 1:12:17 1:26:44 1:37:35 1:48:26 1:59:16 2:13:43
Marathon 2:31:05 3:01:18 3:23:58 3:46:38 4:09:17 4:39:30
48 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:16:11 0:19:25 0:21:51 0:24:17 0:26:42 0:29:56
5 Miles 0:26:29 0:31:47 0:35:45 0:39:44 0:43:42 0:49:00
10k 0:33:25 0:40:06 0:45:07 0:50:07 0:55:08 1:01:49
10 Miles 0:54:53 1:05:52 1:14:06 1:22:20 1:30:33 1:41:32
Half Mar. 1:12:56 1:27:31 1:38:28 1:49:24 2:00:20 2:14:56
Marathon 2:32:24 3:02:53 3:25:44 3:48:36 4:11:28 4:41:56
49 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:16:20 0:19:36 0:22:03 0:24:30 0:26:57 0:30:13
5 Miles 0:26:43 0:32:04 0:36:04 0:40:05 0:44:05 0:49:26
10k 0:33:43 0:40:28 0:45:31 0:50:35 0:55:38 1:02:23
10 Miles 0:55:23 1:06:28 1:14:46 1:23:04 1:31:23 1:42:28
Half Mar. 1:13:35 1:28:18 1:39:20 1:50:22 2:01:25 2:16:08
Marathon 2:33:46 3:04:31 3:27:35 3:50:39 4:13:43 4:44:28
50 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:16:29 0:19:47 0:22:15 0:24:44 0:27:12 0:30:30
5 Miles 0:26:58 0:32:22 0:36:24 0:40:27 0:44:30 0:49:53
10k 0:34:02 0:40:50 0:45:57 0:51:03 0:56:09 1:02:58
10 Miles 0:55:53 1:07:04 1:15:27 1:23:50 1:32:12 1:43:23
Half Mar. 1:14:15 1:29:06 1:40:14 1:51:22 2:02:31 2:17:22
Marathon 2:35:08 3:06:10 3:29:26 3:52:42 4:15:58 4:47:00
51 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:16:38 0:19:58 0:22:27 0:24:57 0:27:27 0:30:46
5 Miles 0:27:13 0:32:40 0:36:45 0:40:49 0:44:54 0:50:21
10k 0:34:21 0:41:13 0:46:22 0:51:32 0:56:41 1:03:33
10 Miles 0:56:24 1:07:41 1:16:08 1:24:36 1:33:04 1:44:20
Half Mar. 1:14:57 1:29:56 1:41:11 1:52:26 2:03:40 2:18:39
Marathon 2:36:35 3:07:54 3:31:23 3:54:53 4:18:22 4:49:41
52 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:16:48 0:20:10 0:22:41 0:25:12 0:27:43 0:31:05
5 Miles 0:27:29 0:32:59 0:37:06 0:41:14 0:45:21 0:50:51
10k 0:34:41 0:41:37 0:46:49 0:52:02 0:57:14 1:04:10
10 Miles 0:56:57 1:08:20 1:16:53 1:25:26 1:33:58 1:45:21
Half Mar. 1:15:39 1:30:47 1:42:08 1:53:28 2:04:49 2:19:57
Marathon 2:38:03 3:09:40 3:33:22 3:57:05 4:20:47 4:52:24
53 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:16:58 0:20:22 0:22:54 0:25:27 0:28:00 0:31:23
5 Miles 0:27:44 0:33:17 0:37:26 0:41:36 0:45:46 0:51:18
10k 0:35:01 0:42:01 0:47:16 0:52:32 0:57:47 1:04:47
10 Miles 0:57:29 1:08:59 1:17:36 1:26:13 1:34:51 1:46:21
Half Mar. 1:16:23 1:31:40 1:43:07 1:54:35 2:06:02 2:21:19
Marathon 2:39:33 3:11:28 3:35:24 3:59:19 4:23:15 4:55:10
54 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:17:08 0:20:34 0:23:08 0:25:42 0:28:16 0:31:42
5 Miles 0:28:01 0:33:37 0:37:49 0:42:02 0:46:14 0:51:50
10k 0:35:21 0:42:25 0:47:43 0:53:02 0:58:20 1:05:24
10 Miles 0:58:03 1:09:40 1:18:22 1:27:05 1:35:47 1:47:24
Half Mar. 1:17:07 1:32:32 1:44:06 1:55:40 2:07:15 2:22:40
Marathon 2:41:04 3:13:17 3:37:26 4:01:36 4:25:46 4:57:58
55 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5 Miles 0:28:17 0:33:56 0:38:11 0:42:26 0:46:40 0:52:19
10k 0:35:42 0:42:50 0:48:12 0:53:33 0:58:54 1:06:03
10 Miles 0:58:36 1:10:19 1:19:07 1:27:54 1:36:41 1:48:25
Half Mar. 1:17:52 1:33:26 1:45:07 1:56:48 2:08:29 2:24:03
Marathon 2:42:38 3:15:10 3:39:33 4:03:57 4:28:21 5:00:52
56 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:17:28 0:20:58 0:23:35 0:26:12 0:28:49 0:32:19
5 Miles 0:28:35 0:34:18 0:38:35 0:42:52 0:47:10 0:52:53
10k 0:36:04 0:43:17 0:48:41 0:54:06 0:59:31 1:06:43
10 Miles 0:59:13 1:11:04 1:19:57 1:28:50 1:37:42 1:49:33
Half Mar. 1:18:40 1:34:24 1:46:12 1:58:00 2:09:48 2:25:32
Marathon 2:44:16 3:17:07 3:41:46 4:06:24 4:31:02 5:03:54
57 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:17:39 0:21:11 0:23:50 0:26:28 0:29:07 0:32:39
5 Miles 0:28:53 0:34:40 0:39:00 0:43:20 0:47:39 0:53:26
10k 0:36:26 0:43:43 0:49:11 0:54:39 1:00:07 1:07:24
10 Miles 0:59:49 1:11:47 1:20:45 1:29:44 1:38:42 1:50:40
Half Mar. 1:19:29 1:35:23 1:47:18 1:59:14 2:11:09 2:27:03
Marathon 2:45:57 3:19:08 3:44:02 4:08:56 4:33:49 5:07:00
58 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:17:51 0:21:25 0:24:06 0:26:47 0:29:27 0:33:01
5 Miles 0:29:11 0:35:01 0:39:24 0:43:46 0:48:09 0:53:59
10k 0:36:49 0:44:11 0:49:42 0:55:14 1:00:45 1:08:07
10 Miles 1:00:27 1:12:32 1:21:36 1:30:41 1:39:45 1:51:50
Half Mar. 1:20:19 1:36:23 1:48:26 2:00:28 2:12:31 2:28:35
Marathon 2:47:40 3:21:12 3:46:21 4:11:30 4:36:39 5:10:11
59 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:18:02 0:21:38 0:24:21 0:27:03 0:29:45 0:33:22
5 Miles 0:29:30 0:35:24 0:39:49 0:44:15 0:48:41 0:54:35
10k 0:37:13 0:44:40 0:50:15 0:55:50 1:01:24 1:08:51
10 Miles 1:01:05 1:13:18 1:22:28 1:31:37 1:40:47 1:53:00
Half Mar. 1:21:10 1:37:24 1:49:34 2:01:45 2:13:55 2:30:10
Marathon 2:49:25 3:23:18 3:48:43 4:14:08 4:39:32 5:13:25
60 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:18:14 0:21:53 0:24:37 0:27:21 0:30:05 0:33:44
5 Miles 0:29:49 0:35:47 0:40:15 0:44:44 0:49:12 0:55:10
10k 0:37:37 0:45:08 0:50:47 0:56:26 1:02:04 1:09:35
10 Miles 1:01:44 1:14:05 1:23:20 1:32:36 1:41:52 1:54:12
Half Mar. 1:22:01 1:38:25 1:50:43 2:03:01 2:15:20 2:31:44
Marathon 2:51:13 3:25:28 3:51:09 4:16:50 4:42:30 5:16:45
61 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:18:26 0:22:07 0:24:53 0:27:39 0:30:25 0:34:06
5 Miles 0:30:09 0:36:11 0:40:42 0:45:13 0:49:45 0:55:47
10k 0:38:03 0:45:40 0:51:22 0:57:05 1:02:47 1:10:24
10 Miles 1:02:26 1:14:55 1:24:17 1:33:39 1:43:01 1:55:30
Half Mar. 1:22:57 1:39:32 1:51:59 2:04:26 2:16:52 2:33:27
Marathon 2:53:08 3:27:46 3:53:44 4:19:42 4:45:40 5:20:18
62 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:18:39 0:22:23 0:25:11 0:27:58 0:30:46 0:34:30
5 Miles 0:30:30 0:36:36 0:41:10 0:45:45 0:50:19 0:56:25
10k 0:38:29 0:46:11 0:51:57 0:57:44 1:03:30 1:11:12
10 Miles 1:03:09 1:15:47 1:25:15 1:34:43 1:44:12 1:56:50
Half Mar. 1:23:54 1:40:41 1:53:16 2:05:51 2:18:26 2:35:13
Marathon 2:55:06 3:30:07 3:56:23 4:22:39 4:48:55 5:23:56
63 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:18:52 0:22:38 0:25:28 0:28:18 0:31:08 0:34:54
5 Miles 0:30:51 0:37:01 0:41:39 0:46:16 0:50:54 0:57:04
10k 0:38:56 0:46:43 0:52:34 0:58:24 1:04:14 1:12:02
10 Miles 1:03:53 1:16:40 1:26:15 1:35:49 1:45:24 1:58:11
Half Mar. 1:24:53 1:41:52 1:54:36 2:07:20 2:20:03 2:37:02
Marathon 2:57:06 3:32:31 3:59:05 4:25:39 4:52:13 5:27:38
64 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:19:06 0:22:55 0:25:47 0:28:39 0:31:31 0:35:20
5 Miles 0:31:13 0:37:28 0:42:09 0:46:50 0:51:30 0:57:45
10k 0:39:24 0:47:17 0:53:11 0:59:06 1:05:01 1:12:53
10 Miles 1:04:38 1:17:34 1:27:15 1:36:57 1:46:39 1:59:34
Half Mar. 1:25:53 1:43:04 1:55:57 2:08:49 2:21:42 2:38:53
Marathon 2:59:10 3:35:00 4:01:53 4:28:45 4:55:38 5:31:28
65 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:19:19 0:23:11 0:26:05 0:28:58 0:31:52 0:35:44
5 Miles 0:31:36 0:37:55 0:42:40 0:47:24 0:52:08 0:58:28
10k 0:39:52 0:47:50 0:53:49 0:59:48 1:05:47 1:13:45
10 Miles 1:05:25 1:18:30 1:28:19 1:38:07 1:47:56 2:01:01
Half Mar. 1:26:54 1:44:17 1:57:19 2:10:21 2:23:23 2:40:46
Marathon 3:01:16 3:37:31 4:04:43 4:31:54 4:59:05 5:35:21
66 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:19:34 0:23:29 0:26:25 0:29:21 0:32:17 0:36:12
5 Miles 0:32:00 0:38:24 0:43:12 0:48:00 0:52:48 0:59:12
10k 0:40:23 0:48:28 0:54:31 1:00:34 1:06:38 1:14:43
10 Miles 1:06:15 1:19:30 1:29:26 1:39:22 1:49:19 2:02:34
Half Mar. 1:28:01 1:45:37 1:58:49 2:12:01 2:25:14 2:42:50
Marathon 3:03:34 3:40:17 4:07:49 4:35:21 5:02:53 5:39:36
67 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5 Miles 0:32:26 0:38:55 0:43:47 0:48:39 0:53:31 1:00:00
10k 0:40:54 0:49:05 0:55:13 1:01:21 1:07:29 1:15:40
10 Miles 1:07:06 1:20:31 1:30:35 1:40:39 1:50:43 2:04:08
Half Mar. 1:29:09 1:46:59 2:00:21 2:13:43 2:27:06 2:44:56
Marathon 3:05:55 3:43:06 4:10:59 4:38:53 5:06:46 5:43:57
68 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:20:06 0:24:07 0:27:08 0:30:09 0:33:10 0:37:11
5 Miles 0:32:51 0:39:25 0:44:21 0:49:17 0:54:12 1:00:46
10k 0:41:27 0:49:44 0:55:57 1:02:11 1:08:24 1:16:41
10 Miles 1:07:59 1:21:35 1:31:47 1:41:59 1:52:10 2:05:46
Half Mar. 1:30:20 1:48:24 2:01:57 2:15:30 2:29:03 2:47:07
Marathon 3:08:20 3:46:00 4:14:15 4:42:30 5:10:45 5:48:25
69 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:20:22 0:24:26 0:27:30 0:30:33 0:33:36 0:37:41
5 Miles 0:33:18 0:39:58 0:44:57 0:49:57 0:54:57 1:01:36
10k 0:42:00 0:50:24 0:56:42 1:03:00 1:09:18 1:17:42
10 Miles 1:08:54 1:22:41 1:33:01 1:43:21 1:53:41 2:07:28
Half Mar. 1:31:32 1:49:50 2:03:34 2:17:18 2:31:02 2:49:20
Marathon 3:10:49 3:48:59 4:17:36 4:46:13 5:14:51 5:53:01
70 Female World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
5k 0:20:39 0:24:47 0:27:53 0:30:59 0:34:04 0:38:12
5 Miles 0:33:45 0:40:30 0:45:34 0:50:37 0:55:41 1:02:26
10k 0:42:34 0:51:05 0:57:28 1:03:51 1:10:14 1:18:45
10 Miles 1:09:50 1:23:48 1:34:17 1:44:45 1:55:14 2:09:11
Half Mar. 1:32:46 1:51:19 2:05:14 2:19:09 2:33:04 2:51:37
Marathon 3:13:21 3:52:01 4:21:01 4:50:02 5:19:02 5:57:42

Male standards

15 – 32 World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:12:58 0:15:34 0:17:30 0:19:27 0:21:24 0:23:59
5 Miles
0:21:19 0:25:35 0:28:47 0:31:58 0:35:10 0:39:26
0:26:58 0:32:22 0:36:24 0:40:27 0:44:30 0:49:53
10 Miles
0:44:40 0:53:36 1:00:18 1:07:00 1:13:42 1:22:38
Half Mar.
0:59:39 1:11:35 1:20:32 1:29:29 1:38:25 1:50:21
2:06:50 2:32:12 2:51:13 3:10:15 3:29:16 3:54:39
33 World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:12:58 0:15:34 0:17:30 0:19:27 0:21:24 0:23:59
5 Miles
0:21:19 0:25:35 0:28:47 0:31:58 0:35:10 0:39:26
0:26:58 0:32:22 0:36:24 0:40:27 0:44:30 0:49:53
10 Miles
0:44:40 0:53:36 1:00:18 1:07:00 1:13:42 1:22:38
Half Mar.
0:59:39 1:11:35 1:20:32 1:29:29 1:38:25 1:50:21
2:06:50 2:32:12 2:51:13 3:10:15 3:29:16 3:54:39
34 World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:12:58 0:15:34 0:17:30 0:19:27 0:21:24 0:23:59
5 Miles
0:21:19 0:25:35 0:28:47 0:31:58 0:35:10 0:39:26
0:26:58 0:32:22 0:36:24 0:40:27 0:44:30 0:49:53
10 Miles
0:44:40 0:53:36 1:00:18 1:07:00 1:13:42 1:22:38
Half Mar.
0:59:39 1:11:35 1:20:32 1:29:29 1:38:25 1:50:21
2:06:50 2:32:12 2:51:13 3:10:15 3:29:16 3:54:39
35 World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:13:01 0:15:37 0:17:34 0:19:32 0:21:29 0:24:05
5 Miles
0:21:19 0:25:35 0:28:47 0:31:58 0:35:10 0:39:26
0:26:58 0:32:22 0:36:24 0:40:27 0:44:30 0:49:53
10 Miles
0:44:40 0:53:36 1:00:18 1:07:00 1:13:42 1:22:38
Half Mar.
0:59:39 1:11:35 1:20:32 1:29:29 1:38:25 1:50:21
2:06:50 2:32:12 2:51:13 3:10:15 3:29:16 3:54:39
36 World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:13:06 0:15:43 0:17:41 0:19:39 0:21:37 0:24:14
5 Miles
0:21:27 0:25:44 0:28:57 0:32:10 0:35:24 0:39:41
0:27:06 0:32:31 0:36:35 0:40:39 0:44:43 0:50:08
10 Miles
0:44:41 0:53:37 1:00:19 1:07:02 1:13:44 1:22:40
Half Mar.
0:59:39 1:11:35 1:20:32 1:29:29 1:38:25 1:50:21
2:06:50 2:32:12 2:51:13 3:10:15 3:29:16 3:54:39
37 World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:13:12 0:15:50 0:17:49 0:19:48 0:21:47 0:24:25
5 Miles
0:21:36 0:25:55 0:29:10 0:32:24 0:35:38 0:39:58
0:27:17 0:32:44 0:36:50 0:40:56 0:45:01 0:50:28
10 Miles
0:44:59 0:53:59 1:00:44 1:07:29 1:14:13 1:23:13
Half Mar.
0:59:55 1:11:54 1:20:53 1:29:52 1:38:52 1:50:51
2:06:50 2:32:12 2:51:13 3:10:15 3:29:16 3:54:39
38 World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:13:17 0:15:56 0:17:56 0:19:55 0:21:55 0:24:34
5 Miles
0:21:45 0:26:06 0:29:22 0:32:38 0:35:53 0:40:14
0:27:28 0:32:58 0:37:05 0:41:12 0:45:19 0:50:49
10 Miles
0:45:18 0:54:22 1:01:09 1:07:57 1:14:45 1:23:48
Half Mar.
1:00:19 1:12:33 1:21:26 1:30:28 1:39:31 1:51:35
2:07:11 2:32:37 2:51:42 3:10:47 3:29:51 3:55:17
39 World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:13:23 0:16:04 0:18:04 0:20:04 0:22:05 0:24:46
5 Miles
0:21:55 0:26:18 0:29:35 0:32:53 0:36:10 0:40:33
0:27:40 0:33:12 0:37:21 0:41:30 0:45:39 0:51:11
10 Miles
0:45:37 0:54:44 1:01:35 1:08:26 1:15:16 1:24:23
Half Mar.
1:00:45 1:12:54 1:22:01 1:31:07 1:40:14 1:52:23
2:08:04 2:33:41 2:52:53 3:12:06 3:31:19 3:56:55
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:13:29 0:16:11 0:18:12 0:20:14 0:22:15 0:24:57
5 Miles
0:22:04 0:26:29 0:29:47 0:33:06 0:36:25 0:40:49
0:27:52 0:33:26 0:37:37 0:41:48 0:45:59 0:51:33
10 Miles
0:45:57 0:55:08 1:02:02 1:08:55 1:15:49 1:25:00
Half Mar.
1:01:10 1:13:24 1:22:34 1:31:45 1:40:55 1:53:09
2:08:58 2:34:46 2:54:06 3:13:27 3:32:48 3:58:35
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:13:35 0:16:18 0:18:20 0:20:23 0:22:25 0:25:08
5 Miles
0:22:13 0:26:40 0:30:00 0:33:20 0:36:39 0:41:06
0:28:04 0:33:41 0:37:53 0:42:06 0:46:19 0:51:55
10 Miles
0:46:16 0:55:31 1:02:28 1:09:24 1:16:20 1:25:36
Half Mar.
1:01:37 1:13:56 1:23:11 1:32:25 1:41:40 1:53:59
2:09:53 2:35:52 2:55:21 3:14:50 3:34:18 4:00:17
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:13:41 0:16:25 0:18:28 0:20:31 0:22:35 0:25:19
5 Miles
0:22:23 0:26:52 0:30:13 0:33:35 0:36:56 0:41:25
0:28:16 0:33:55 0:38:10 0:42:24 0:46:38 0:52:18
10 Miles
0:46:37 0:55:56 1:02:56 1:09:56 1:16:55 1:26:14
Half Mar.
1:02:03 1:14:28 1:23:46 1:33:05 1:42:23 1:54:48
2:10:49 2:36:59 2:56:36 3:16:14 3:35:51 4:02:01
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:13:47 0:16:32 0:18:36 0:20:41 0:22:45 0:25:30
5 Miles
0:22:33 0:27:04 0:30:27 0:33:50 0:37:12 0:41:43
0:28:29 0:34:11 0:38:27 0:42:44 0:47:00 0:52:42
10 Miles
0:46:57 0:56:20 1:03:23 1:10:26 1:17:28 1:26:51
Half Mar.
1:02:30 1:15:00 1:24:23 1:33:45 1:43:07 1:55:38
2:11:46 2:38:07 2:57:53 3:17:39 3:37:25 4:03:46
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:13:53 0:16:40 0:18:45 0:20:49 0:22:54 0:25:41
5 Miles
0:22:43 0:27:16 0:30:40 0:34:04 0:37:29 0:42:02
0:28:41 0:34:25 0:38:43 0:43:01 0:47:20 0:53:04
10 Miles
0:47:18 0:56:46 1:03:51 1:10:57 1:18:03 1:27:30
Half Mar.
1:02:58 1:15:34 1:25:00 1:34:27 1:43:54 1:56:29
2:12:44 2:39:17 2:59:11 3:19:06 3:39:01 4:05:33
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:13:59 0:16:47 0:18:53 0:20:59 0:23:04 0:25:52
5 Miles
0:22:53 0:27:28 0:30:54 0:34:19 0:37:45 0:42:20
0:28:54 0:34:41 0:39:01 0:43:21 0:47:41 0:53:28
10 Miles
0:47:39 0:57:11 1:04:20 1:11:29 1:18:37 1:28:09
Half Mar.
1:03:26 1:16:07 1:25:38 1:35:09 1:44:40 1:57:21
2:13:42 2:40:26 3:00:30 3:20:33 3:40:36 4:07:21
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:14:05 0:16:54 0:19:01 0:21:07 0:23:14 0:26:03
5 Miles
0:23:03 0:27:40 0:31:07 0:34:34 0:38:02 0:42:39
0:29:07 0:34:56 0:39:18 0:43:41 0:48:03 0:53:52
10 Miles
0:48:00 0:57:36 1:04:48 1:12:00 1:19:12 1:28:48
Half Mar.
1:03:55 1:16:42 1:26:17 1:35:52 1:45:28 1:58:15
2:14:43 2:41:40 3:01:52 3:22:05 3:42:17 4:09:14
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:14:12 0:17:02 0:19:10 0:21:18 0:23:26 0:26:16
5 Miles
0:23:14 0:27:53 0:31:22 0:34:51 0:38:20 0:42:59
0:29:21 0:35:13 0:39:37 0:44:02 0:48:26 0:54:18
10 Miles
0:48:23 0:58:04 1:05:19 1:12:35 1:19:50 1:29:31
Half Mar.
1:04:24 1:17:17 1:26:56 1:36:36 1:46:16 1:59:08
2:15:45 2:42:54 3:03:16 3:23:38 3:43:59 4:11:08
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:14:18 0:17:10 0:19:18 0:21:27 0:23:36 0:26:27
5 Miles
0:23:25 0:28:06 0:31:37 0:35:08 0:38:38 0:43:19
0:29:34 0:35:29 0:39:55 0:44:21 0:48:47 0:54:42
10 Miles
0:48:45 0:58:30 1:05:49 1:13:08 1:20:26 1:30:11
Half Mar.
1:04:54 1:17:53 1:27:37 1:37:21 1:47:05 2:00:04
2:16:47 2:44:08 3:04:39 3:25:11 3:45:42 4:13:03
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:14:25 0:17:18 0:19:28 0:21:37 0:23:47 0:26:40
5 Miles
0:23:36 0:28:19 0:31:52 0:35:24 0:38:56 0:43:40
0:29:48 0:35:46 0:40:14 0:44:42 0:49:10 0:55:08
10 Miles
0:49:08 0:58:58 1:06:20 1:13:42 1:21:04 1:30:54
Half Mar.
1:05:24 1:18:29 1:28:17 1:38:06 1:47:55 2:00:59
2:17:51 2:45:25 3:06:06 3:26:47 3:47:27 4:15:01
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:14:32 0:17:26 0:19:37 0:21:48 0:23:59 0:26:53
5 Miles
0:23:47 0:28:32 0:32:06 0:35:41 0:39:15 0:44:00
0:30:02 0:36:02 0:40:33 0:45:03 0:49:33 0:55:34
10 Miles
0:49:31 0:59:25 1:06:51 1:14:17 1:21:42 1:31:36
Half Mar.
1:05:55 1:19:06 1:28:59 1:38:53 1:48:46 2:01:57
2:18:55 2:46:42 3:07:32 3:28:23 3:49:13 4:17:00
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:14:39 0:17:35 0:19:47 0:21:59 0:24:10 0:27:06
5 Miles
0:23:58 0:28:46 0:32:21 0:35:57 0:39:33 0:44:20
0:30:17 0:36:20 0:40:53 0:45:26 0:49:58 0:56:01
10 Miles
0:49:55 0:59:54 1:07:23 1:14:52 1:22:22 1:32:21
Half Mar.
1:06:27 1:19:44 1:29:42 1:39:40 1:49:39 2:02:56
2:20:03 2:48:04 3:09:04 3:30:05 3:51:05 4:19:06
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:14:46 0:17:43 0:19:56 0:22:09 0:24:22 0:27:19
5 Miles
0:24:10 0:29:00 0:32:38 0:36:15 0:39:52 0:44:43
0:30:32 0:36:38 0:41:13 0:45:48 0:50:23 0:56:29
10 Miles
0:50:20 1:00:24 1:07:57 1:15:30 1:23:03 1:33:07
Half Mar.
1:07:00 1:20:24 1:30:27 1:40:30 1:50:33 2:03:57
2:21:11 2:49:25 3:10:36 3:31:47 3:52:57 4:21:11
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:14:53 0:17:52 0:20:06 0:22:20 0:24:33 0:27:32
5 Miles
0:24:22 0:29:14 0:32:54 0:36:33 0:40:12 0:45:05
0:30:47 0:36:56 0:41:33 0:46:11 0:50:48 0:56:57
10 Miles
0:50:45 1:00:54 1:08:31 1:16:08 1:23:44 1:33:53
Half Mar.
1:07:33 1:21:04 1:31:12 1:41:19 1:51:27 2:04:58
2:22:21 2:50:49 3:12:10 3:33:32 3:54:53 4:23:21
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:15:01 0:18:01 0:20:16 0:22:31 0:24:47 0:27:47
5 Miles
0:24:34 0:29:29 0:33:10 0:36:51 0:40:32 0:45:27
0:31:03 0:37:16 0:41:55 0:46:35 0:51:14 0:57:27
10 Miles
0:51:10 1:01:24 1:09:05 1:16:45 1:24:26 1:34:39
Half Mar.
1:08:07 1:21:44 1:31:57 1:42:10 1:52:24 2:06:01
2:23:32 2:52:14 3:13:46 3:35:18 3:56:50 4:25:32
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:15:08 0:18:10 0:20:26 0:22:42 0:24:58 0:28:00
5 Miles
0:24:47 0:29:44 0:33:27 0:37:11 0:40:54 0:45:51
0:31:18 0:37:34 0:42:15 0:46:57 0:51:39 0:57:54
10 Miles
0:51:36 1:01:55 1:09:40 1:17:24 1:25:08 1:35:28
Half Mar.
1:08:41 1:22:25 1:32:43 1:43:01 1:53:20 2:07:04
2:24:44 2:53:41 3:15:23 3:37:06 3:58:49 4:27:45
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:15:16 0:18:19 0:20:37 0:22:54 0:25:11 0:28:15
5 Miles
0:25:00 0:30:00 0:33:45 0:37:30 0:41:15 0:46:15
0:31:35 0:37:54 0:42:38 0:47:23 0:52:07 0:58:26
10 Miles
0:52:04 1:02:29 1:10:17 1:18:06 1:25:55 1:36:19
Half Mar.
1:09:17 1:23:08 1:33:32 1:43:55 1:54:19 2:08:10
2:26:01 2:55:13 3:17:07 3:39:01 4:00:56 4:30:08
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:15:25 0:18:30 0:20:49 0:23:07 0:25:26 0:28:31
5 Miles
0:25:14 0:30:17 0:34:04 0:37:51 0:41:38 0:46:41
0:31:52 0:38:14 0:43:01 0:47:48 0:52:35 0:58:57
10 Miles
0:52:32 1:03:02 1:10:55 1:18:48 1:26:41 1:37:11
Half Mar.
1:09:55 1:23:54 1:34:23 1:44:53 1:55:22 2:09:21
2:27:19 2:56:47 3:18:53 3:40:59 4:03:04 4:32:32
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:15:33 0:18:40 0:21:00 0:23:19 0:25:39 0:28:46
5 Miles
0:25:27 0:30:32 0:34:21 0:38:11 0:42:00 0:47:05
0:32:09 0:38:35 0:43:24 0:48:13 0:53:03 0:59:29
10 Miles
0:53:00 1:03:36 1:11:33 1:19:30 1:27:27 1:38:03
Half Mar.
1:10:32 1:24:38 1:35:13 1:45:48 1:56:23 2:10:29
2:28:38 2:58:22 3:20:39 3:42:57 4:05:15 4:34:58
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:15:41 0:18:49 0:21:10 0:23:32 0:25:53 0:29:01
5 Miles
0:25:41 0:30:49 0:34:40 0:38:31 0:42:23 0:47:31
0:32:27 0:38:56 0:43:48 0:48:41 0:53:33 1:00:02
10 Miles
0:53:29 1:04:11 1:12:12 1:20:14 1:28:15 1:38:57
Half Mar.
1:11:11 1:25:25 1:36:06 1:46:46 1:57:27 2:11:41
2:29:59 2:59:59 3:22:29 3:44:58 4:07:28 4:37:28
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:15:50 0:19:00 0:21:22 0:23:45 0:26:08 0:29:17
5 Miles
0:25:55 0:31:06 0:34:59 0:38:52 0:42:46 0:47:57
0:32:45 0:39:18 0:44:13 0:49:07 0:54:02 1:00:35
10 Miles
0:53:59 1:04:47 1:12:53 1:20:59 1:29:04 1:39:52
Half Mar.
1:11:50 1:26:12 1:36:59 1:47:45 1:58:31 2:12:53
2:31:21 3:01:37 3:24:19 3:47:01 4:09:44 4:40:00
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:15:59 0:19:11 0:21:35 0:23:58 0:26:22 0:29:34
5 Miles
0:26:11 0:31:25 0:35:21 0:39:16 0:43:12 0:48:26
0:33:04 0:39:41 0:44:38 0:49:36 0:54:34 1:01:10
10 Miles
0:54:31 1:05:25 1:13:36 1:21:47 1:29:57 1:40:51
Half Mar.
1:12:32 1:27:02 1:37:55 1:48:48 1:59:41 2:14:11
2:32:50 3:03:24 3:26:20 3:49:15 4:12:11 4:42:45
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:16:09 0:19:23 0:21:48 0:24:13 0:26:39 0:29:53
5 Miles
0:26:26 0:31:43 0:35:41 0:39:39 0:43:37 0:48:54
0:33:24 0:40:05 0:45:05 0:50:06 0:55:07 1:01:47
10 Miles
0:55:03 1:06:04 1:14:19 1:22:35 1:30:50 1:41:51
Half Mar.
1:13:15 1:27:54 1:38:53 1:49:52 2:00:52 2:15:31
2:34:20 3:05:12 3:28:21 3:51:30 4:14:39 4:45:31
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:16:19 0:19:35 0:22:02 0:24:28 0:26:55 0:30:11
5 Miles
0:26:42 0:32:02 0:36:03 0:40:03 0:44:03 0:49:24
0:33:44 0:40:29 0:45:32 0:50:36 0:55:40 1:02:24
10 Miles
0:55:36 1:06:43 1:15:04 1:23:24 1:31:44 1:42:52
Half Mar.
1:13:59 1:28:47 1:39:53 1:50:59 2:02:04 2:16:52
2:35:52 3:07:02 3:30:25 3:53:48 4:17:11 4:48:21
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:16:29 0:19:47 0:22:15 0:24:44 0:27:12 0:30:30
5 Miles
0:26:59 0:32:23 0:36:26 0:40:29 0:44:31 0:49:55
0:34:05 0:40:54 0:46:01 0:51:08 0:56:14 1:03:03
10 Miles
0:56:10 1:07:24 1:15:50 1:24:15 1:32:40 1:43:55
Half Mar.
1:14:44 1:29:41 1:40:53 1:52:06 2:03:19 2:18:15
2:37:26 3:08:55 3:32:32 3:56:09 4:19:46 4:51:15
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:16:39 0:19:59 0:22:29 0:24:59 0:27:28 0:30:48
5 Miles
0:27:15 0:32:42 0:36:47 0:40:52 0:44:58 0:50:25
0:34:26 0:41:19 0:46:29 0:51:39 0:56:49 1:03:42
10 Miles
0:56:44 1:08:05 1:16:35 1:25:06 1:33:37 1:44:57
Half Mar.
1:15:30 1:30:36 1:41:55 1:53:15 2:04:34 2:19:40
2:39:02 3:10:50 3:34:42 3:58:33 4:22:24 4:54:13
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:16:50 0:20:12 0:22:44 0:25:15 0:27:46 0:31:08
5 Miles
0:27:33 0:33:04 0:37:12 0:41:20 0:45:27 0:50:58
0:34:49 0:41:47 0:47:00 0:52:14 0:57:27 1:04:25
10 Miles
0:57:22 1:08:50 1:17:27 1:26:03 1:34:39 1:46:08
Half Mar.
1:16:20 1:31:36 1:43:03 1:54:30 2:05:57 2:21:13
2:40:47 3:12:56 3:37:03 4:01:11 4:25:18 4:57:27
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:17:01 0:20:25 0:22:58 0:25:31 0:28:05 0:31:29
5 Miles
0:27:52 0:33:26 0:37:37 0:41:48 0:45:59 0:51:33
0:35:12 0:42:14 0:47:31 0:52:48 0:58:05 1:05:07
10 Miles
0:58:01 1:09:37 1:18:19 1:27:01 1:35:44 1:47:20
Half Mar.
1:17:11 1:32:37 1:44:12 1:55:46 2:07:21 2:22:47
2:42:35 3:15:06 3:39:29 4:03:53 4:28:16 5:00:47
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:17:13 0:20:40 0:23:15 0:25:49 0:28:24 0:31:51
5 Miles
0:28:11 0:33:49 0:38:03 0:42:16 0:46:30 0:52:08
0:35:36 0:42:43 0:48:04 0:53:24 0:58:44 1:05:52
10 Miles
0:58:40 1:10:24 1:19:12 1:28:00 1:36:48 1:48:32
Half Mar.
1:18:03 1:33:40 1:45:22 1:57:04 2:08:47 2:24:24
2:44:24 3:17:17 3:41:56 4:06:36 4:31:16 5:04:08
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:17:25 0:20:54 0:23:31 0:26:08 0:28:44 0:32:13
5 Miles
0:28:30 0:34:12 0:38:29 0:42:45 0:47:01 0:52:44
0:36:01 0:43:13 0:48:37 0:54:02 0:59:26 1:06:38
10 Miles
0:59:21 1:11:13 1:20:07 1:29:01 1:37:56 1:49:48
Half Mar.
1:18:57 1:34:44 1:46:35 1:58:25 2:10:16 2:26:03
2:46:17 3:19:32 3:44:29 4:09:25 4:34:22 5:07:37
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:17:37 0:21:08 0:23:47 0:26:26 0:29:04 0:32:35
5 Miles
0:28:50 0:34:36 0:38:55 0:43:15 0:47:34 0:53:21
0:36:26 0:43:43 0:49:11 0:54:39 1:00:07 1:07:24
10 Miles
1:00:02 1:12:02 1:21:03 1:30:03 1:39:03 1:51:04
Half Mar.
1:19:52 1:35:50 1:47:49 1:59:48 2:11:47 2:27:45
2:48:11 3:21:49 3:47:03 4:12:17 4:37:30 5:11:08
World Best plat Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:17:50 0:21:24 0:24:05 0:26:45 0:29:26 0:33:00
5 Miles
0:29:13 0:35:04 0:39:27 0:43:49 0:48:12 0:54:03
0:36:54 0:44:17 0:49:49 0:55:21 1:00:53 1:08:16
10 Miles
1:00:48 1:12:58 1:22:05 1:31:12 1:40:19 1:52:29
Half Mar.
1:20:53 1:37:04 1:49:12 2:01:19 2:13:27 2:29:38
2:50:19 3:24:23 3:49:56 4:15:29 4:41:01 5:15:05
World Best plat Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:18:04 0:21:41 0:24:23 0:27:06 0:29:49 0:33:25
5 Miles
0:29:35 0:35:30 0:39:56 0:44:22 0:48:49 0:54:44
0:37:23 0:44:52 0:50:28 0:56:05 1:01:41 1:09:10
10 Miles
1:01:35 1:13:54 1:23:08 1:32:22 1:41:37 1:53:56
Half Mar.
1:21:55 1:38:18 1:50:35 2:02:52 2:15:10 2:31:33
2:52:30 3:27:00 3:52:53 4:18:45 4:44:38 5:19:08
World Best plat Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:18:18 0:21:58 0:24:42 0:27:27 0:30:12 0:33:51
5 Miles
0:29:59 0:35:59 0:40:29 0:44:59 0:49:28 0:55:28
0:37:52 0:45:26 0:51:07 0:56:48 1:02:29 1:10:03
10 Miles
1:02:24 1:14:53 1:24:14 1:33:36 1:42:58 1:55:26
Half Mar.
1:22:59 1:39:35 1:52:02 2:04:28 2:16:55 2:33:31
2:54:44 3:29:41 3:55:53 4:22:06 4:48:19 5:23:15
World Best plat Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:18:33 0:22:16 0:25:03 0:27:50 0:30:36 0:34:19
5 Miles
0:30:22 0:36:26 0:41:00 0:45:33 0:50:06 0:56:11
0:38:23 0:46:04 0:51:49 0:57:35 1:03:20 1:11:01
10 Miles
1:03:13 1:15:52 1:25:21 1:34:49 1:44:18 1:56:57
Half Mar.
1:24:05 1:40:54 1:53:31 2:06:07 2:18:44 2:35:33
2:57:02 3:32:26 3:59:00 4:25:33 4:52:06 5:27:31
World Best plat Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:18:48 0:22:34 0:25:23 0:28:12 0:31:01 0:34:47
5 Miles
0:30:47 0:36:56 0:41:33 0:46:11 0:50:48 0:56:57
0:38:54 0:46:41 0:52:31 0:58:21 1:04:11 1:11:58
10 Miles
1:04:04 1:16:53 1:26:29 1:36:06 1:45:43 1:58:31
Half Mar.
1:25:13 1:42:16 1:55:03 2:07:49 2:20:36 2:37:39
2:59:24 3:35:17 4:02:11 4:29:06 4:56:01 5:31:53
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:19:05 0:22:54 0:25:46 0:28:37 0:31:29 0:35:18
5 Miles
0:31:15 0:37:30 0:42:11 0:46:53 0:51:34 0:57:49
0:39:29 0:47:23 0:53:18 0:59:14 1:05:09 1:13:03
10 Miles
1:05:02 1:18:02 1:27:48 1:37:33 1:47:18 2:00:19
Half Mar.
1:26:30 1:43:48 1:56:47 2:09:45 2:22:44 2:40:02
3:02:04 3:38:29 4:05:47 4:33:06 5:00:25 5:36:49
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:19:23 0:23:16 0:26:10 0:29:04 0:31:59 0:35:52
5 Miles
0:31:44 0:38:05 0:42:50 0:47:36 0:52:22 0:58:42
0:40:05 0:48:06 0:54:07 1:00:08 1:06:08 1:14:09
10 Miles
1:06:02 1:19:14 1:29:09 1:39:03 1:48:57 2:02:10
Half Mar.
1:27:49 1:45:23 1:58:33 2:11:43 2:24:54 2:42:28
3:04:39 3:41:35 4:09:17 4:36:59 5:04:40 5:41:36
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:19:41 0:23:37 0:26:34 0:29:32 0:32:29 0:36:25
5 Miles
0:32:13 0:38:40 0:43:30 0:48:20 0:53:09 0:59:36
0:40:43 0:48:52 0:54:58 1:01:05 1:07:11 1:15:20
10 Miles
1:07:04 1:20:29 1:30:32 1:40:36 1:50:40 2:04:04
Half Mar.
1:29:10 1:47:00 2:00:23 2:13:45 2:27:08 2:44:58
3:07:40 3:45:12 4:13:21 4:41:30 5:09:39 5:47:11
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:19:59 0:23:59 0:26:59 0:29:58 0:32:58 0:36:58
5 Miles
0:32:44 0:39:17 0:44:11 0:49:06 0:54:01 1:00:33
0:41:21 0:49:37 0:55:49 1:02:02 1:08:14 1:16:30
10 Miles
1:08:07 1:21:44 1:31:57 1:42:10 1:52:24 2:06:01
Half Mar.
1:30:34 1:48:41 2:02:16 2:15:51 2:29:26 2:47:33
3:10:35 3:48:42 4:17:17 4:45:52 5:14:28 5:52:35
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:20:41 0:24:49 0:27:55 0:31:02 0:34:08 0:38:16
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:20:41 0:24:49 0:27:55 0:31:02 0:34:08 0:38:16
0:42:48 0:51:22 0:57:47 1:04:12 1:10:37 1:19:11
World Best Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Copper
0:21:05 0:25:18 0:28:28 0:31:37 0:34:47 0:39:00
0:43:37 0:52:20 0:58:53 1:05:26 1:11:58 1:20:41